
Abhijit Sinha
Abhijit Sinha is the Founder and CEO of an International Non-profit Organisation called Project DEFY. Through his organisation he creates a new variety of learning spaces which have no teachers, exams or curricula; where children and adults of all ages decide what, when and how they learn. These learning spaces, called Nooks, started in a small village in Karnataka and are now spreading around the world.

Adam Oosthuizen
Adam is a product manager, immersive media designer, researcher and editor from South Africa. He has recently worked on a book with the Transition Resource Circle about leveraging philanthropic capital towards mitigating the effects of the global ecological, social and political crisis. He assists Culture Hack Labs in coordinating the production of data and publishing tools for activist organizations. He is also a member of the New Economic Thinking group as part of the 2022-23 CHL Rhizome Fellowship. Adam holds a B.A in Philosophy and Film & Media Studies from the University of Cape Town.

Alessandra Pomarico
Alessandra Pomarico is an independent curator, researcher and educator working at the intersection of arts, pedagogy, and community. Co-founder of Free Home University an artistic and pedagogical experiment on sharing knowledge by living in common, the trans-local Ecoversities Alliance, Alessandra’s research currently focuses on ecology of knowledge, care, and relational epistemologies. Recent projects include firefly frequencies radio, M.E.D.U.S.E (Mediterranean Ecofeminist, Decolonial Union for Self-Education) the School of the We, The New Alphabet School #Commoning and #Healing. Editor at artseverywhere, she curated the volume Pedagogies Otherwise (Ecoversities Publications, 2018), co-edited What’s there to learn (Publication Studio Guelph, 2018) and When the Roots Start Moving: Resonating with Zapatismo (Archive Books 2021)

Alexandra Lopes
Evolutionary human being

Andrea Gonzalez Andino
Andre is a Relational artist, Chix'i, Andean, cuir, mountaineer, and climber. In recent years, Andre has worked with global communities related to issues of alternatives to hhiger education and life. Andre also works with the Ecoversities network and Re-imagining Education conference on cultural, social, and educational regeneration. Student of the Escuelita del Amor where the teacher is Ayahuasca, grandmother of the Amazon. Part of the project Following Andean Footsteps, learning with mountains, rocks, and with the pedagogy of Circuits of learning, where the objective is to come back to see ourselves to walk towards our dreams.

Angel Ramirez
Angel Ramirez, belongs to the Palta culture of the province of Loja, Ecuadorian writer, is a bilingual intercultural educator and is currently a member of the Management Commission of the Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples Amwtay Wasi. President of the Guanchuro Intercultural Foundation of Ecuador. He attended primary school in Catacocha and Loja, his secondary studies at the Salesian Orientalist School in the city of Cuenca; higher education at the Catholic University of Quito. D. in Educational Sciences and Master in Curriculum and is currently pursuing his PhD at the Benito Juarez University of Puebla-Mexico. He speaks Kichwa, Spanish and German.

Andreea Gatman
Andreea Gatman, ICF Coach & Educational Facilitator, BA in Political Science, MBA in Public Governance and Master in European Studies; 16 years working with projects, 12 years as a trainer & facilitator for teachers, researchers, health and public services. In the last 5 years working with teachers’ training and coaching to re imagine education from this perspective, in Finland.

Andrés Fonseca
Artista transdisciplinario, investigador y profesor. Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Entre sus campos de interés se destacan la educación integral, las artes visuales, la radio, los proyectos ciudadanos, la educación artística y la apropiación creativa de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Actualmente es profesor del curso didácticas para la paz y la convivencia en la Maestría en Docencia mediada con Tics en la Universidad de San Buenaventura y también ha estado vinculado como profesor e investigador en diversas Universidades de Colombia. Sus últimos proyectos son "La Universidad del Futuro", una red ciudadana global de educación superior, proyectos audiovisuales sobre músicas afrocaribeñas y diferentes podcast respecto a educación, los objetivos de desarrollo interior, la espiritualidad, el arte y la ciudadanía.

Ashik Krishnan
Ashik Krishnan is a traveller, venture socialist, and weaver of people, communities and stories. Ashik is the co-creator of Travellers' University, an organisation that facilitates individuals to deepen their knowledge and understanding of themselves and the world by offering experiential learning opportunities through slow and conscious travel. At Travellers' University, Ashik designs and facilitates various travel-based learning programmes oriented towards imagining an inclusive and just world. He also leads the knowledge curation vertical in the organisation, documenting and publishing books and content.

Beverly Bravo
Beverly Bravo is one of the convenors of HIRAYA Collective for the Blind. She's an instructor, researcher, and a disability rights advocate focusing on technology and digital accessibility. She teaches fundamentals of ICT and Web Technologies to first year and second year college students at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. She volunteers as a researcher at User Experience Philippines to know more about the field closest to accessibility and universal design. As a disabled person herself, she advocates for digital accessibility through speaking to different organizations and communities about the impact of accessibility on the digital space. Together with her fellow blind friends, she also manages a YouTube channel called Visually Impaired’s Fashion and Lifestyle (VIFAL), where they produce fun and engaging videos to spread awareness within and beyond the disabled community.

Catherine Hoppers
Professor Hoppers is a scholar and policy specialist on International Development, education, North-South questions, disarmament, peace, and human security. She is a UNESCO expert in basic education, lifelong learning, information systems and on Science and Society; an expert in disarmament at the UN Department of Disarmament Affairs; an expert to the World Economic Forum on benefit sharing and value addition protocols; and the World Intellectual Property Organisation on traditional knowledge and community intellectual property rights.

Christos Lazaridis
Christos Lazaridis, MD, is a neurointensivist who specializes in advanced monitoring in severe traumatic brain injury. Dr. Lazaridis is also heavily involved in neurocritical care ethics. He has trained in both neurologic and general critical care. Dr. Lazaridis has authored/co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts.

Daniel Stee
Daniel feels like he has spent 2 or 3 lifetimes wondering about and trying to understand how learning and education really work. He is pretty certain that a true education can never happen by mandate or by force. The more he learns about it though, the more he feels like he has only really skimmed the surface of understanding.

Daniel Christian Wahl
Daniel is an international consultant and educator specialising in biologically-inspired whole systems design and transformative innovation. He is a biologist (University of Edinburgh and University of California), holds an MSc in Holistic Science (Schumacher College) and a PhD in Design (CSND, University of Dundee, 2006). Daniel currently works for Gaia Education and the SMART UIB project of the Universidad de las Islas Balears. Triarchy Press published his first book, Designing Regenerative Cultures, in 2016.

My name is Darío, I am 21 years old and since I was 11 years old I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to creating music. I started my self-directed path without knowing it when I finished high school, because I decided not to study at a university and continue with my learning process in a self-taught way relying on the internet and acquaintances with experiences in my areas of interest. I currently manage my own musical artistic project independently and I work with artist friends in their creative projects as well. In the last two years I discovered the agile world and joined the group of young facilitators of Educambiando to deepen in the theory and practice of facilitation, because eventually I would like to be able to support other people in their learning processes, as well as gather tools and experiences to better coordinate collaborative projects in my future.

Dougald Hine
Dougald Hine is a social thinker, writer, speaker and the co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME. His latest book is At Work in the Ruins (2023) and he publishes new essays on his Substack, Writing Home.

Dilip Jain
CA & MBA (SPJIMR) by qualification, Dilip Jain had a thriving corporate & business career which he exited at the age of 37 to volunteer for environmental & educational causes with Sonam Wangchuk of Ladakh. Few years back, he started dJED Foundation and works on ecological restoration and regeneration in India’s Maharashtra, Gujarat & Rajasthan. He runs projects like Me2 Kids Club, Save Jawai Wildlife, Aadi Maanav Academy, RevAranya and his Foundation has adopted Chinchwadi tribal village where they do comprehensive work on village development based on Gandhi’s model of Gram Swaraj (self-rule). He is actively involved with Indian Multiversities Alliance and it is his mission to move world's attention from Economy (part) to Ecology (whole) as he thinks that the existing materialistic development oriented belief system are self-defeating.

Eileen Walz
Eileen sparks learning by designing experiences and asking what we can learn from them. She is constantly inviting others into her learning journey.

Eliana Otta
Artist, researcher, co-founder of the collectives Bisagra (Lima) and Mouries (Athens), yoga practitioner and teacher, currently focused in participatory projects combining mourning, intimacy, vulnerability, curiosity and joy.

Emilio Fantin
Emilio Fantin sets the conditions for dialectic exchange between differing forms of knowledge. He pays a great deal of attention to dialogue, expressed as the art of conversation, and to the concept of the invisible community— whereby the poetic and evocative aspects of social life become a form of everyday practice. In addition to numerous seminars and workshops in international art institutions and museums, Fantin conducted workshops on art and architecture in public spaces at the Milan Polytechnic from 2005–2015. He was coordinator of the Oreste project (1995–2001), is a founding member of the Lu Cafausu collective (2007), founder of the Fondazione Lac o Le Mon (2015) and fan of Ecoversties.

Ez Bridgeman
Ez Bridgman is a creative experience designer and facilitator who helps organisations and individuals connect to their playful vitality in their most important and challenging moments.

wonderer/wander. storyteller. knowledge weaver. Eva is the founder and convenor of HIRAYA Collective for the Blind. HIRAYA Collective aims to create an alternative and accessible creative learning space for the blind and visually impaired community in the Philippines and beyond. HIRAYA seeks to re-imagine learning spaces that embrace curiosity, play, innovation and creative life. HIRAYA offers various multisensory workshops based on 6 themes: LASAP (flavor & aroma), GALAW (movement & rhythm), DAMA (imaging & sensing), DIWA (words & expression), ARUGA (wellness for all) and SAYA (play & innovation).

Frederic Labarthe
Freelance mentor/healer/teacher, a living heart and an almost missionary faith in the power we all have to heal, love, empower and grow ourselves for good.

Franco Augusto
Franco is a social activist, unprofessionalized intellectual, unschooled father, co-creator of collaborative projects, and documentalist of alternatives around the planet, collaborating with processes of social transformation for more than 20 years now. He co-coordinates the Global Tapestry of Alternatives, an international process connecting networks of Radical Alternatives. Franco also leads the research-action Acervus Project, which seeks to recover and reintroduce the historical roots of post-industrial/post-growth/post-development ideas. He is also a fellow in the Post-Growth Institute. He has been involved in various thematic networks and projects, such as: REEVO alternative education network, Ecoversities Alliance, Enlivened Cooperative, the GNU Project, and The Forbidden Education film project among others. He is friend of the goliards, apprentice of the grandmothers, and follower of the dead

Gaell Mainguy
Gaell is the Executive Vice President of the Learning Planet Institute and teaches systemic approaches to sustainability and learning mechanisms. He is also the author of the MOOC "Which paths for a sustainable world?" and a member of the scientific council of the Institute of Research for Development (IRD).

Gregory Pettys
Gregory is a father, husband and recovering academic turned organic farmer/seed saver living half the year in Paonia, Colorado where his family helps nurture an ethnobotany unschool ( and half the year in an eco-village in Northern Thailand ( dedicated to teaching skills of self-sufficiency where children (and adults) are freely raised, wisely.

Hagg Perez
Hagg is a convenor of HIRAYA Collective. A geologist, rockhound, mountaineer, and thespian. His field of interest centers on how nature (terrestrial, transitional, to marine) behaves in balance and its tie-in with art to convey an alternative science communication for all. He campaigns for a world where everyone gets to have a sense of wonder of earth’s countless processes. He facilitates theater improv and ensemble exercises for the HIRAYA Collective.

Hibist Kassa
Dr Hibist Kassa is a feminist grounded in historical materialist traditions in Africa. Hibist has spent fourteen years developing an understanding of African political economy from the vantage point of within the feminist movement in Ghana, and later, globally. She is Policy Interface Fellow at the University of Leicester.

Huidrom Boicha
Huidrom Boicha is a life-long learner, a reader, avid photographer and travel enthusiast. Working in Project DEFY, He has set-up self-designed learning spaces with different communities.

Inez Aponte
Inez has 25 years’ experience in creative facilitation, performance storytelling, participatory design and event management. Focusing on the interplay between language, storytelling and behaviour change, she seeks to cultivate our ‘radical collective imagination’. Her work with young people in communities and education, and her role as a mother, have offered her unique insights into the life world of young people. Her approach is both sensitive and joyful, allowing her to connect to many different individuals and groups.

Jake Hubley
Jake is an integrative coach, meditation and mindfulness instructor and eco-connective facilitator serving our conscious transition to regenerative, emergent futures through education, leadership and being. With 10+ years experience in various changemaking capacities, Jake now serves agents of change to live meaningful, aligned and authentic lives, while creating extraordinary impact in the face of uncertainty.

Jaelene Mina-Reynado
Jaelene is a licensed professional teacher and a certified professional in accessibility core competency. She is a disability advocate, one of the members of VIFAL and a convenor of HIRAYA Collective. She loves traveling, listening to fiction podcasts, reading books and learning new things.

Jennifer Browdy
Jennifer Browdy, PhD, is a college professor of media arts, an award-winning memoirist and a writing teacher, author coach, editor and publisher. As co-founder of the Birth Your Truest Story writing workshops and online community, she is dedicated to helping all writers tell their truest stories, in fiction or memoir.

Jerónimo Derkinderen
Jerónimo Derkinderen is an amateur mountaineer and climber, and member of a quiteño mountaineering club. He is currently completing a PhD programme in Latin American history at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito, Ecuador, where he is specializing in mountaineering history. His research focuses on Ecuadorean andinismo in the second half of the 20th century. His main concerns are the social, the environmental and interconnected facets of the practice of the activity. When not reading about mountaineering history he wonders why he loves to be scared on sketchy terrain in the mountains.

Joe Brewer
Joe has a unique background in physics, math, philosophy, atmospheric science, complexity research, and cognitive linguistics. More than a decade ago, he left the academy to trail blaze a path for other research practitioners to follow.

Kageki Asakura
Kageki Asakura has worked in both areas, the practices and the study of democratic education. Asakura has worked at the oldest free democratic school in Japan and founded the first Japanese democratic university, Shure University (TDU/Tekisen Democratic University, now). Asakura is Director there. Asakura visited democratic schools in the world and is also keen to network free democratic schools/ universities internationally. He has been an active member of International Democratic Education Conference for two decades. He loves to help launching democratic universities in the world. Asakura studies and writes about democratic education, history of education and ethnography of youth. Asakura is also a pioneer scholar of “self-ology”, a study about the self.

Katherine Desjarardins
Desjardins earned her MFA in painting in Florence, Italy, where she worked closely with mentors who came out of the Italian Radical Design movement, and with whom she continues to collaborate. This parallel “social” practice engages experiential pedagogy toward the collective creation of objects of speculative design. These projects are intended as catalysts for discussion--rather than answers or solutions--of shared topics of social concern, including gang violence, immigration, and the global climate emergency.

Kier Blake
Kier Blake is a Black, non-binary student of Xamaycan (Jamaican) heritage in the EPSM Program. They are the Co-founder and current Director of Community Partnerships at Start:Empowerment, a Queer and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led nonprofit organization working at the nexus of climate education and environmental justice organizing.

Kū Kahakalau
Dr. Kū Kahakalau is an award-winning Native Hawaiian educator, researcher, cultural practitioner, grassroots activist, visionary, community leader, traditional songwriter, and expert in Hawaiian language and culture. Dr. Kahakalau and her daughter ʻIʻini lead Kū-A-Kanaka, a native Hawaiian social enterprise, specializing in culture-based consulting and online education, targeting Hawaiians ages 15-30 enrolled in EA Ecoversity, a culture-based higher education and career training program founded by Dr. Kahakalau in 2020. EA stands Education with Aloha, since Dr. Kahakalauʻs research confirms that love, compassion, respect and kindness are the most important ingredients in 21st century education, just like they were in ancient times.

Lauren Hage
Lauren (she/her) is Executive Director, co-founder, and facilitator for the Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education. She comes from Ashkenazi Jewish (Odessa), Sicilian, and Scottish ancestry. Lauren has been working outdoors with youth, teens, and adults for 20 years. She is a certified facilitator of the somatics-based body of work called the Resilience Toolkit. She holds a degree in Earth Sciences and Geography, with a focus on the human-earth relationship, and holds certifications in Ecological Agriculture, Regenerative Design & Nature Awareness, Permaculture, Embodied Social Justice, & Integrated Trauma Therapy. She is also a part of Beyond Boundaries and the Fierce Allies practice community.

Luz Olid Diaz
The adventure of Evolving Education began when Luz Olid Díaz started teaching. The training that she received seemed insufficient to guide the next generations to create a sustainable future and have a fulfilling life. So she decided to design her own learning journey: traveling around the world and learning from the most innovative education centers. Learning to learn.

Liliana Buitrago
Ecofeminista, artivista del Observatorio de Ecología Política de Venezuela. Magister en Linguistica con trabajos en los estudios críticos del discurso, movimientos sociales y feminismos ecoterritoriales. HAce parte del Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur, Asamblea Mundial por la Amazonía y la Plataforma Latinoamericana y Caribeña por la Justicia Climática. Co-author of the Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South

Mahi Thakur
Mahi is a 22 year old self desinged learner from India. Ever since walking out of the conventional education system in highschool, she has been exploring alternatives to reimagine education and reinvent life. Currently, she has been slow traveling through villages in India to reclaim local culture and knowledge practices.

Magdaluz Bonilla
Magdaluz has participated in Ecoversities since 2022. Enthusiastic about finding new ways to communicate and relate, to invent other ways to share and build knowledge. Since 2020 Magdaluz is in training in the Rio Abierto system, discovering the therapeutic in movement, massage and work on oneself, in groups and from the collective.

Marco Andrade V.
Marco Andrade V. (@MakariosAnand) vive en una comunidad de aprendizaje libre y sanación consciente en la Amazonía ecuatoriana junto a Karina, Nico y Luana. Comparte su vida junto a ellxs, explorando el camino de desaprendizaje constante para abrazar una REexistencia en armonía donde todx/todxs podamos florecer. Disfruta mucho como creador de contenidos audiovisuales y amplificador de diversos caminos y oportunidades de aprendizaje. Es parte de "Pulso Articulador" de la Red Mushuk Away (nuevo tejido).

Malaka Shwaikh
I am a Palestinian academic from the Gaza Strip, based in Scotland’s St Andrews University where I teach and research prisons as spaces of power, resistance, and peacebuilding. Much of my research has been on the dynamics of prison hunger strikes. In addition to my research commitments, I am a trustee of BRISMES, Firefly, and STEPS. In 2021, I co-founded Freelancers in Gaza with Candace Amani to connect youths in Gaza with clients around the world and provide them with mentorship. In my spare time, I love to spend time hiking in our beautiful Scotland or swimming in the North Sea whenever it is warm enough. And I have recently become interested in yoga and meditation. I find purpose in giving back to my community, whether it is through teaching, mentorship, volunteering in organisations that fit my life purposes, or simply taking good care of the people I love and myself to stay able to give back.

Maria Agraciada
Maria Agraciada is a 59-year-old Brazilian woman of Tupinambá ethnicity lineage and an activist for the causes of native peoples. She is the founder and director of Instituto Etno, and has been a manager of women and youth empowerment projects for over 20 years.

Marie Hale
Marie is a doctor in geography and lecturer for MA Movement, Mind and Ecology at Schumacher College.

Michal Osterweil
Michal teaches in the Curriculum in Global Studies at UNC Chapel Hill. She believes that learning how to live into a resilient future requires a pedagogy that considers theory, history, and philosophy as well as more practical, spiritual and embodied knowledges and practices. Michal is a mother and radical homemaker who loves making (collective) life through gardening, cooking & feeding others, making tea blends and medicinal concoctions, and generally de-commodifying life! She’s recently been training in various healing modalities and embodiment practices, seeking to integrate them into her teaching.

Mirco Ruggeri
Board member of La Via del Maschile Maturo, a foundation that stewards the men's movement in Italy. Subsequent to a personal opening in 2018, took to his passions; men's work, nature, pedagogy and experiential education. A facilitator on conscious parenting and men's work. Trainer on sacred circles for men.

Nariman Moustafa
Co-conspirator at the Ecoversities Alliance, I come from Cairo, Egypt with a long lineage of teachers including the Nile, the desert, my grandmother, and the 2011 Tahrir Square revolution. I work at the nexus of education, community organising and research using agile and adaptive methods. More formally, I am a researcher with the Edtech hub and a senior analyst with open development and education. I am in my element when facilitating participatory, arts-based, processes for emergence, assembly and re-imagining. I found several experiences of alternative education in Egypt including Mesahat for kids and Tagawor for adults. I also design and convene temporary autonomous zones around the world for practicing adaptable, intentional communal living.

Natalia Erstman
Natalia is Black Mountains College’s Creative Practice Lead, where she creates and manages our residential short courses, and will be Lecturing on our new Degree programme. She splits her time between BMC and Arts University Plymouth, where she leads the MA Creative Education. She is an artist, researcher and educator specialising in creating spaces where communities can learn their way into an uncertain climate changed future through artful and performative means.

Nada Elissa
Nada is an interdisciplinary artist, designer and facilitator. Her life's work integrates community building practices, trauma-informed work, embodied learning, expressive arts and biomimicry design principles. By weaving various tools, she creates out of the box spaces for others to experience their essence and connect with their creative potential.

Nikolay Oleynikov
artist; punk; antifascist; member of CHTO DELAT; harmonica/percussion/voice of Arkady Kots band; mentor at Chto Delat SCHOOL of ENGAGED ART; present at ROSA’s House of Culture; co-pilot at Free Home University; part of the cohort; contributor and editor for; author of the SEX of the OPPRESSED (FreeMarxistPress/PS-Guelph). Solo and collective exhibitions worldwide.

Paul Kronenberg
co founder/director, Braille Without Borders & kanthari social entrepreneur, speaker, catalyst, changineer, mentor

Pavel Cenkl
Dr Pavel Cenkl is Head of Schumacher College and Director of Learning & Land at Dartington Trust in Devon, England, where he has worked since 2019 to support an evolving learning community founded at the intersection of arts, ecology and social justice. Pavel has written and presented widely in the areas of curriculum design, global learning networks, regenerative pedagogy, environmental humanities and ecology and has co-developed programmes in ecology, humanities, and sustainable and regenerative food and farming in the US and the UK.

Pilar Santiago
Se dedica a la investigación corporal a partir del tacto, dónde desarrolla temas sobre el territorio, la autonomía y el Autocuidado; coreografa y bailarina.

Rekgotsofetse Chikane
I am currently a Lecturer at the University of Witwatersrand and pursuing a PhD in Development, Complexity Economics and Decoloniality. I specialise in Public Policy Processes, Public Administration and Governing in a Digital Age

Ritu-Ngapnon Varuni
Ritu-Ngapnon Varuni better known as Ritu Varuni is a trained architect and designer, who wears many hats that include natural architecture, craft and furniture design, writing and poetry to creative thinking and ethical learning, and natural Himalayan farming. After completing her research thesis in Nagaland in the nineties, she was based in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam for six years, working on researching and developing the use of bamboo in housing and craft along with other grassroots work. Her design work under her studio name of ‘E’thaan’, has centred around traditional Indian craft design and skill development for most of her working life and has been exhibited in India and internationally. She has written many articles for books and journals. Currently based in Himachal Pradesh, Varuni is the founder-director of the Himalayan Rilung Foundation, which is focused on developing a hands-on, skillbased experential learning programme centred around the Himalayan environment called ‘Mountainwind’. Her book titled The Apatani Way of life: Shaping a culture through Bamboo, Cane and Land use. (The Apatani tribe, Arunachal Pradesh, India) is based on her own experiences and research.

Safoora Arbab
Safoora is an independent scholar and my research, writings and teaching focuses on the framework of nonviolence.

Sara Abbas
Sara Abbas is a researcher and current fellow of the Open Society Foundations under the theme "new and radical approaches to confronting economic inequality”. She is researching the imaginations and collective practices that have arisen in the sit-in/protestor-occupied spaces during Sudan's ongoing revolution. Amongst Sara’s publications are contributions to Diversity on Common Ground: Ten perspectives on contemporary feminism (2020 - Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) and A Region in Revolt: Mapping the recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (2020- Daraja Press). Sara is an active member of several groups and coalitions working for a just world – the Global Prison Abolitionist Coalition, the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists-Berlin and SudanUprising Germany. Her current love is learning about plants, planting and indigenous and sustainable growing and farming practices.

Senka Milutinović
Senka Milutinović is a researcher, writer, and multimedia designer. Their practice revolves around fictional and political storytelling, media theory and archiving. They explore medium hybridity and collective knowledge sharing through creating publications, events, writing, and hosting a radio show. The most important aspect of research for them is the communities that get built around and through it.

sierra ying allen
Spiritual forager, unschooler, rock climber, youth advocate, and witnesser of beauty. sierra is guided by mystery and relational aliveness and is most at home among trees and rocks in wild spaces. Co-conspirator and community weaver with EDiT – Education in Transformation, and the Ecoversities Alliance.

Silvana Beraldo
Silvana Beraldo is a latina American woman, mother, artist, writer and educator. (pictured with her two unschooled children)

Silvia Federici
a feminist activist, writer, political theorist, and Professor Emerita at Hofstra University. She also taught at the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria. Part of the International Feminist Collective, which launched the campaign Wages for Housework internationally, she is also a co-founder of the Committee for Academic Freedom for Africa, of Midnight Notes Collective, and of the Radical Philosophy Association (RPA) anti-death penalty project. Among her widely circulated works are Wages Against Housework (1975) and Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2004), Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women (2018), Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (2012), Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons (2018), and her recent book Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: Rethinking, Remaking, Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism (2020).

Simone Johnson
Simone Johnson is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and cultural worker mostly making work about water.

Shane Finan
Collaborating with fungi, sheep, humans, semiconductors, birds. Assembling things into art including electronics, light, painting, timber and more. Proud member of Visual Artists Ireland, the representative body for artists in Ireland, and a constant source of support and information.

Shaun Chamberlain
Shaun co-created and leads Sterling College's year-round online programme 'Surviving the Future: Conversations for Our Time' . As an author and activist, he has served as a pioneer of the Transition Towns movement, one of the earliest Extinction Rebellion arrestees, and chair of the Ecological Land Co-operative. And created the book 'Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy' from his late mentor David Fleming's legacy.

Sondra Loring
Sondra is an interdisciplinary queer witch, bringing somatic practices, yoga, meditation, science, poetry and mantra into her teaching. Her classes are loved for their graceful flow of movement, a strong sense of play, and a nurturing of community. She lives on Feathertail Farm, now a small community garden, with her son, Mateo and their rascally elderly dog, Pequena, and squirrelly pup, Bebé.

Sophy Banks
Sophy’s eclectic life has been guided by an overarching question: why do humans create so much unintended suffering, and how can we stop? She worked for 10 years for the Transition movement, training people around the world in community-based responses to global crises of world-view, environment and social justice. Healthy Human Culture is the culmination of this life journey.

Suzana Nory
Graduated in English Language and Literature with a specialization in Linguistics and Semiotics from PUC/SP. Educator and businesswoman since 1986. In 2018, she transformed her way of looking at education and the means of intellectual and material production in the world, becoming a philosopher of education researching the interconnections between people and the deep ecology of their sociocultural and physical territories.

Suzette Swanson
Suzette Swanson, originally from Alaska; has been living in Egypt for more than 20 years. She combines her background in theater, spiritual counseling, and early childhood educational to create an educational environment that is unique, especially in Egypt. In 2021, along with a team of parents; she opened Luminare- a micro school in Dahab, Egypt. It serves 40 students ranging in age from 4yrs- 13 yrs. Suzette is currently the Principal/ owner, wife and mother of 3 children.

Thamara Monroy Gracia
I study and research the relationship between ecosomatics, corpovocality, parkour/freerunning/add, critical pedagogies and restorative conscious movement. I consider myself an accompanist, workshop leader and facilitator of group dynamics of dialogic learning and conscious movement. Parkour practitioner since 2009 and creator of the proposal "Parkour Silvestre", which takes up the natural training method and adds both the contributions of the somatic training method and the questions and perspective of ecosomatics. I collaborate with the project "KataZ. Nodos de autoformación" as a catalyst of creative processes of collaborative and self-directed learning; I also participate in the Katapulta project as a facilitator of the laboratory "Workids (parkour, crossfit and architecture) focused on the playful coexistence between children from 3 to 11 years old.

Ulises Contreras Vega
Nacido en San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México Diseñador Gráfico egresado de la Facultad del Hábitat en la UASLP, especializado en producción audiovisual e identidad de marca. Terapeuta certificado en “Medicina de energía” por el CIET y actualmente estudiante de la Terapia del Campo Punto Cero en la Casa de Cultivo el Semillero. Cofundador de “Navegantes de la Consciencia”, espacio de encuentro para practicantes de la meditación y herramientas para el desarrollo de una mejor vida diaria. Profesor de Fundamentos del Diseño en el Instituto Thinkers

Vanessa Meng
Ms. Butterfly is my artistic and public name. I grew up between Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan. I graduated from Swarthmore College with a Philosophy and Peace and Conflicts Studies degree in 2020, and am currently attending the California Institute of Integral Studies for a Masters in Applied Psychology. I am part of the Peace and Justice Studies Association and involved with the Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance. Guided by my heart, I am an educator, a healer, a creator and a friend.

Vera Franco
I am an Abundance Midwife. I open portals to an abundance of possibilities, helping you remove blocks and the veil that stands in the way of new options you didn't see before. I'm an Evolutionary, I take a stand for the evolution of human consciousness and thriving life on Earth (and beyond). I facilitate context-shift for greater consciousness and presence in communities; businesses; next cultures; and learning environments, centered on authentic adulthood initiatory processes. My job is to help you find your inner key, so you can heal and evolve yourself.

Victoria Haro
Co-founder and co-director of Universidad del Medio Ambiente (University of the Environment – UMA) in Mexico, a formal university focused on sustainability degrees in diverse disciplines. UMA is a community of practice where we learn by developing collaborative socio-environmental projects, exploring personal, interpersonal and transpersonal processes of regeneration.

Hola, soy Yohualli, tengo 13 años, y estoy desecolarizada desde los siete. Me considero una persona bastante alegre, sensible y comprensiva. Las cosas que más me gusta hacer y mis hobbies son; bailar Ballet, dibujar, cocinar y cantar, esas son las cosas que hago con más frecuencia, pero también me interesa bastante el mundo de la moda en general.

Wangũi wa Kamonji
Wangũi wa Kamonji is a regeneration practitioner who researches and translates indigenous Afrikan knowledges into experiential processes, art and honey. Her work is motivated by the twin challenge of healing and generating new realities for the present and future. Informed by research using academic and indigenous methods; storytelling in written and oral forms; traditional Afrikan dance and movement practice; and facilitating spaces for critical consciousness and transformation, Wangũi seeks to provide rooted embodied tools for Afrikans to heal the colonial traumas of past and present, and (re)create ways to live regeneratively with themselves, Earth and ancestors again i.e., for us to decolonise and reindigenise. Her work involves ancestral connection, dance choreography, improvisational movement, ancestral song, ritual design, indigenous food, oral storytelling, written poetry, story and essays, collective creativity, processwork, and nervous system regulation with the Resilience Toolkit™. Wangũi is based in Ongata Rongai, East Afrika.

Yeyo Beltrán
Sergio "Yeyo" Beltrán has designed and participated in multiple intercultural group facilitation experiences. He is co-founder of the University of the Earth in Oaxaca and Tools for Good Living, A.C. He currently supports and disseminates popular communication projects and educational alternatives around the world and practices the Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations as an external consultant for companies, institutions and non-profit organizations. He is a member of the Ecoversities Alliance among other global networks.

Addie Lentzner
Addie (she/her) is a youth advocate, activist, and first year college student at Middlebury College in Vermont, USA. She is the founder of the Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network, a group of students working to build anti-racist schools through designing curriculum, leading lessons with students, donating books to schools, and working on policy advocacy. She is an Executive Fellow with Our Turn, a national education nonprofit whose mission is to uplift student voices in the fight for education justice. Aside from education and anti-racism, Addie has worked on policy advocacy around homelessness and housing and succeeded in reinstating policy that kept individuals experiencing homelessness housed over the winter. She is dedicated to uplifting youth voices in meaningful ways to make the change we urgently need.

Adler Yang
Adler has been a volunteer, filmmaker, journalist, entrepreneur, and has experience in various fields throughout his life. Although the position he holds has constantly been changing, he always view himself as a forever learner.

Albert Stephen Salazar Corrales
Albert is an ocean storyteller, oceanographer, unresearcher, trickster, inhabitant of many worlds. He lives along the California Peninsula, in Kumeyaay Country, in-between the desert and the sea. He feels profound reverence and sympathy towards fossils and water stones. As of late, he has been listening to the Land, healing with the weather, learning how to be in service with the aliveness all around him, embracing the more-than-human world, exploring his own voice. At times, his night dreams are visited by wandering whales.

Alka Arora
Alka Arora, Ph.D. is an associate professor of women's studies and women’s spirituality at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where she has been teaching since 2011. For over a decade, Dr. Arora has been developing the field of integral feminist education and feminist spiritual activism, working alongside sister scholars to offer a transdisciplinary and socially-engaged approach to the study of gender, spirituality, and religion.

Amali Morning Song
Almost 40 communitarian in the making! I am all about being open to the questions and sensations that arise in life. Being open to the process of becoming who we forgot we are.

Aser Cortines
Partner at Cortines&Sebastiá and board member of several third sector organizations. He was the vice-president of Caixa Bank for 6 years and a professor at undergraduate and graduate programs at the following institutions: School of Economics at UFF, School of Engineering at UFRJ, and MBA at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets and Fundação Getúlio Vargas .

Âna Calendrelli
Ana is a Rio Abierto fan and facilitator 🙂 I share movement sessions and massage therapies. Mother of two teenagers, a finance analyst, I also love drawing and taking pictures. Learning to live a more embodied and connected life.

Ana Pura
Wanderer and apprentice since birth, Ana Pura (aka Ana C. G. Marques) is an attention activist who designs regenerative experiences under the principles of love, clarity, transformation and high-level fun. Opening paths for potentials to come to life brings her ultimate joy, alongside the sharpness of disillusionment and the empowerment of responsibility. She moves rapidly and unhurriedly between attentē, where she magnetizes attentionauts around deep attention pratices, and nōvi and MoL, where she supports communities and organizations foment autonomous learning cultures.

Ashish Kothari
Founder-member, Kalpavriksh; coordinating team of Vikalp Sangam and Global Tapestry of Alternatives; Jury member, International Tribunal on Rights of Nature; co-editor, Alternative Futures: India Unshackled; co-editor, Pluriverse: A Post-development Dictionary

Atul Shrivastava
On a continuous path of self-discovery, Atul sees his quest for true education as an outward manifestation of his own inner quest to know his true self. He currently lives in Delhi (India), where he supports the alternative education ecosystem in capacity of a mentor, community-builder, cross-pollinator and an angel invester. In all his passion projects, he strives to strike the right balance between head and heart – the delicate dance between the drive for strategy, rigor, focus (something he picked from his stint in corporate & Tier-A education) and the virtues of surrender, beauty, equanimity (that he imbibed from different masters on his spiritual path)

Camilo Bossio
A social weaver from Colombia sometimes living in Ecuador, on both territories, he participates in Transición, as part of alternative education networks: Ecoversities (Global) and Mushuk Away (Ecuador). He is a chaski (the one who carries the message) for these networks, mainly as a companion (or guide) of groups of youth since 2014 and as a communication manager.

Catarina Rosa
Catarina, Master-level biologist specializing in animal vocalizations, behaviour and evolution. Dancer and teacher with more than a decade of experience, in Portugal (her native land) and internationally, moving through different styles and somatic and mindfulness techniques and explorations. Eco.femi.activist, communications manager, translator, animal trainer, curator of festivals and workshops. A hoping bird between sea, mountains, desert, rurality and urbanity, deep lover of Nature and the humans that care for her.

Charles Eisenstein
Charles is a public speaker and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. He is the author of several books. These, along with his viral short films and essays, have established him as a genre-defying social philosopher and countercultural intellectual.

Che’vanni Davids
Che-vanni Beon Davids is a social researcher and learning enthusiast who is dedicated to transforming the way we approach learning and personal growth. He founded the Reimagined Learning Community, a platform that incorporates wisdom from young people, nature, and intuition to help individuals achieve their full potential. Chevanni embraces the power of plant medicine, spends quality time with his son and family, and taps into the limitless well of inspiration from his dreams.

Crystal Foreman
Crystal L. Forman, MPH, MHA is the Owner and educator of Holistic Wellness and Health. Holistic Wellness and Health makes healthy living easy, nutritious, delicious and fun with a focus on plant-based foods to help you live a healthier, compassionate and more vibrant life. Crystal uses a whole person approach focused on mind, body, soul and spirit to improve the quality of life for all beings. Holistic Wellness and Health offers healthy plant-based cooking classes, wellness workshops, health coaching, gardening consultation, and mindfulness meditation.

Dan Rudolph
Daniel Rudolph is interested in exploring alternative, experiential learning opportunities for people of all ages. He is passionate about enabling community public spaces for meaningful, transformational gathering. For the last year and a half Dan has been a resident at MAPLE Monastic Academy participating in an awakened leadership training program. During this time he has continued his self-directed learning of juggling, sacred clowning and mindfulness meditation.

Daniela Brasil
Daniela Brasil founded the Toukan publishing with her children last year, and this is their first publication. She is a multi-tasking artist, story-teller, activist, curator, educator and decolonial feminist researcher committed to, social and ecological justice. As a family they co-create and hold spaces of encounters and learning environments for all ages…

Darren SIlver
Darren Silver, MA, is a rite of passage guide, Nature-Connected Coach, ceremonialist, and innovative educator. He has over a decade of experience working with ritual, wilderness living skills, and guiding transformational experiences residentially and internationally. A gifted storyteller and apprentice to the old myths, Darren weaves the power of the natural world, vision, and community in devotion to the remembrance of regenerative culture.

David Caballero
I'm David, a scientist turned social entrepreneur, turned education researcher and designer of learning experiences. I'm focused on democratizing the practices from the most progressive learning centers to empower children and youth to create a world with values. At Evolving Education we envision a world where schools are not a mirror of how society is, but how it could be.

Doerte Weig
Doerte Weig’s fascination is to uncover how different facets of human physicality relate to socio-political transformation and ecological awareness. Doerte has a PhD in social anthropology and experience researching with hunter-gatherers, contemporary dancers, citizen scientists, corporate managers and fascia specialists. She enjoys audiovisual media for presenting research results (i.e., Changing Perspectives by Water Magic or The Sounds of Non-Violence). Doerte believes that we cannot think-perceive or speculate about the future of human societies, education, health or work without taking into account more the sensoriality of our moving-sensing bodies. In her book Tensional Responsiveness: Ecosomatic Aliveness and Sensitivity with Human and More-than, Doerte offers new vocabularies around ‘bodying’ and other inspirations for raising responsive ecosystemic sensitivity and awareness in humans.

Elliot Bayev
Elliott is a co-founder of Global Unity, a global peace movement focused on uniting humanity by combining modern web3 technology with ancient wisdom. He is also the founder of Transformative Impact Summit which brings together change-makers from across the world to highlight their work, connect them with funders, and weave stronger webs between them.

Elzanne Roos
Elzanne Roos is an imaginal therapist, dreamworker with 16 years' experience facilitating deep imagination processes with individuals and groups. She is also a seasoned EdTech professional who has developed courses for corporates and tertiary institutions, including Ivy League universities in the USA and UK.

Erioluwa Adeyinka
Hello, I am Erioluwa Adeyinka. My work focuses on the intersection of education, business and development. I enjoy building communities, managing projects and spaces that can make people thrive. I do this by leveraging technology, spaces and networks that can make people thrive and grow. I am the Global Community Organizer at YouthxYouth, Youth Activist and Author, Storyteller.

Four Arrows
Four Arrows is an internationally respected author of numerous books, chapters and articles on Indigenous worldview applications for restoring balance in the world. AERO selected him as one of 27 visionaries in education and he is a recipient of a Moral Courage Award for his activism from the Martin Springer Institute for Holocaust studies at NAU.

Francisca Fernández Droguet
Antropóloga, activista en el Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios-MAT y de la Escuela Superior Campesina de Curaco de Vélez, Chiloé. Doctora en Estudios Americanos, con investigaciones sobre estudios andinos, género y etnicidad, conflictos socioambientales y metodologías participativas.

Frederik Maarten Groenendijk
Frederik Groenendijk is a men’s facilitator for 8+ years. He has a special way with words but often his silence speaks as profound. He is a trainer on men's circles for men across the globe, and a Space-holder at the annual European Festival of Brotherhood. He is a founder & board member of the Firemaker’s Foundation for men’s initiation.

Gabi Scardi
Gabi teaches modules on Contemporary Art and Public Art at Università Cattolica and Curatorial Studies at IED – European Design Institute in Milan; she taught art at several art schools and universities, and has been visiting professor in italian and foreign institutions.

Geci Karuri-Sebina
Geci is a scholar-practitioner based in Johannesburg working in the intersection between people, place and technological change. She is Associate Professor in Digital Governance at the Wits School of Governance where she is coordinating the establishment of the new Tayarisha Centre and hosting the African Civic Tech Innovation Network. She is also a Principal at The School of International Futures (SOIF), an Adjunct Professor at the University of Cape Town’s African Centre for Cities, Associate of South African Cities Network, and a global faculty member with Singularity University on the future of cities and governance.

Hasnaa Mokhtar
Hasnaa Mokhtar is the Director of Global at Douglass College, Rutgers University. She holds a Ph.D. from Clark University, and her dissertation is focused on narrative power and the invisible trauma of gendered violence in Muslim-majority countries. She is a scholar, researcher, and activist, with expertise in the Arabian Gulf, focusing on narratives of Muslim survivors of gender-based violence. After graduating in 2015 with a M.A. in International Development and Social Change, Hasnaa developed a passion for transdisciplinary approaches to addressing violence in Muslim communities. Previously, Hasnaa served as the executive director of the Center for Nonviolent Solutions in Worcester, MA, and more recently as the special program director at Peaceful Families Project. Hasnaa is passionate about life, personal growth, spirituality, and everything in between

Houman Harouni
Houman Harouni was born in Iran, 1982. He is a lecturer at Harvard University, and his writings on education, philosophy, the arts, politics, and history of science have been published in The Guardian, Harvard Review of Education, American Reader, and the White Review, among other venues. Houman Harouni is a practice-based theorist of culture and education. His work — which combines psychology, philosophy, political economy, and pedagogy — addresses the potential of institutions for maintaining or changing social relations. His study of power-dynamics in culture opens to conclusions relevant for education as well as for leadership, organizational studies, and social theory. He has been an advisor to various ministries of and a long-time organizer and contributor to the training of teachers working with refugee populations in the Middle East.

Student at University of Peace in Costa Rica

Jeff Wagner
After a university education didn’t provide sufficient answers, Jeff began seeking answers to the big questions that weren’t answered by academia: how we might reimagine U.S. society in the age of climate change, and what it means to be a responsible human in an unraveling world. As a person dedicated to questioning the mindsets stemming from settler-colonialism, Jeff finds inspiration in the communities working to maintain and strengthen relationships with the natural world and with the sources of food, water, clothing, shelter, and meaning. Jeff likes walking slowly, weaving fabric and baskets, and growing beautiful varieties of heirloom seeds. Jeff founded Groundwork to help people pursue the goal of becoming ancestors that their descendants will be proud to tell stories about. Jeff is a certified Wilderness First Responder.

Jinan K.B.
Jinan describes himself as a victim of modernity, conditioned to learn the word instead of the world, attempting to recover with the help of the illiterates, children and Nature.

Joulia Strauss
Joulia Strauss is an artist, activist and multimedia sculptor. She was born in the Soviet Union as Mari, one of Europe’s last indigenous cultures with a shamanic tradition, and lives and works in Athens and Berlin. “Joulia Strauss” stands for a chord of artistic media, resonating in a deep bond with philosophy, technology and the ongoing reloveution for the world beyond Empire. Strauss is the founder and organizer of Avtonomi Akadimia in Athens. She is currently training to earn her third stripe in Việt Võ Đạo Kung Fu and finalizing her film Transindigeneous Assembly.

Julia Wilhelm
Julia Wilhelm is a cultural worker who is interested in building sustainable infrastructures for coming together, self-organization, learning with and from each other, and rethinking how we create and circulate knowledges.

Karina Rodríguez
Constantly invited by life to find answers and create new paths, I have explored and gestated diverse paths. From the stars, design, transpersonal psychology, education, motherhood, plants and art; they all lead me inward; there where I cannot escape from the cry of my soul that asks me to embrace myself naked, complete... here and now.

Karla Sunga
Karla is one of the founders of Visually Impaired's Fashion and Lifestyle (VIFAL) and serves as its social media manager. She's an Assistive Technology Trainer since 2018 and a sound designer at The Audio Book Project. She loves cooking and baking, and has experienced working as a server at Noche Dine in the Dark - Manila. She’s one of HIRAYA Collective’s convenors developing cooking workshops for the blind community.

Kaushiek Pranoo
Kaushiek Pranoo is the founder of Unlearning Ashram through which he offers facilitated experiential unlearning journeys that empower human transformation inside out. Over the past decade, he has delved into authentic inner work, leadership, well being, community building and alternative learning pedagogies and has been serving in multiple roles as a facilitator, life coach, mentor, writer and business consultant, having had the privilege to work closely with people from diverse backgrounds across all age groups - from indigenous, rural to urban communities. He summarizes his unlearning journey thus far as, "I can see. I can respond. I can bow down."

Keshav Mohta
Keshav's work revolves around investigating the nature of non dual consciousness. He is interested in inter-disciplinary inquiry between the wisdom systems of the ancient and contemporary worlds.

Khethiwe Bikirah Mndawe
Khethiwe Bikirah Mndawe is a young communication and Indigenous knowledge systems practitioner and journalist, poet, focused on the Arts and literature with a strong background in media and PR . She has done works and projects around community development, South african brands, icons and heritage/art and craft artists. She is also an african art publicist and creative heritage youth activist.

Kristin Bunda
Kristin is a convenor of HIRAYA Collective - drawn to nature, culture, people, and stories. She is interested in engaged ecology and in navigating how lived experiences, with science and storytelling, can remind us of our interconnectedness. With a background in communications and digital marketing, her work seeks to help bridge the gap between science and the general public, as well as help people reconnect with nature. She hopes to help create a space that is welcoming for everyone. One that is inclusive and non-intimidating, with a language that brings people together rather than divides. She believes that all are storytellers and that games are a great way to make it more fun and impactful for everyone.

Liora Adler
Liora is a pioneer eco-social actionist, educator, facilitator, mentor, event organizer and dancer. Raised during the 60s social movements in the USA she came to understand that protest alone was inadequate for making substantive societal changes. While serving on the Board of Directors of the Global Ecovillage Network she also represented GEN in the United Nations. She has organized courses, workshops, events and artistic activities for 100s of people, including farmers, indigenous peoples and permaculture practitioners on 5 continents. In 2005, Liora and her husband Permaculture Designer Andrew Langford co-founded Gaia University With so much on her plate these days Liora dances to the tune of “older and bolder”.

Lauren ‘Proper’ Breland
Lauren Breland is a force. She’s a fierce advocate for human rights, educator and facilitator, engaging motivational speaker, poet, former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer, and believer in the ability of all humans to transform their lives for the better.

Luqman Muraina
Luqman Muraina is on a Global Development PhD programme at the IGDC, University of York. Luqman researches on decolonization, higher education, African politics & development, black feminism, etc. Luqman advocates on marginalisation and injustice issues, including Black/African and Palestinian cause. He dreams of an African continent that can stand tall amongst other nations and a world free from inequalities, imperialism, social injustices, and violence.

Lynn Murphy
Lynn Murphy is a strategic advisor for foundations and NGOs working in the geopolitical South. She was a senior fellow and program officer at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation where she focused on international education and global development. She resigned as a”‘conscientious objector” to neocolonial philanthropy. She holds an MA and PhD in international comparative education from Stanford University. She is also a certified Laban/Bartenieff movement analyst.

Mama D. Ujuaje
Of the African diaspora routed through the Caribbean, Mama D Ujuaje is a creative, a community researcher and learning facilitator. Trained in Agriculture, horticulture with experience living and working with communities urban and rural across East and West Africa and the Caribbean and with a focus in decolonial and live art based processes, she has developed a variety of interactive learning experiences and explorations around the constitution and wielding of power at different social scales and geographies. She explores and examines the constructs of modernity/coloniality which disrupt and divert attention from somatic and social healing, repair and revitalisation. Her deep care and consistent attention is recognised as a critical mechanism through which working and living relationships have been successfully negotiated at different levels of organisation.

Mallku Solar
Fundador y Creador Centro Amazanga Mi compromiso por el despertar se hace consciente en la acción de proteger, conservar y transmitir los saberes de mi selva amazoníca. Impulsando formas armónicas de vivir entre seres humanos y naturaleza.

Marcela Scarpellini
Marcela Scarpellini (1985) was born and grew up in Venezuela. She studied law in Caracas, got her LLM in Environmental Law from Stockholm University. Besides teaching yoga and holding space for Darua, she currently works as a death and play doula and is a poet. Through her works she is concerned with connecting the dark and the light, through bringing awareness to those parts of us that may be asleep or afraid, to those shy parts of us keen to explore and play. She relishes in turning places of fear into places of wonder and joy.

Manish Jain
Co-founder of the Swaraj University which is India’s first self-designed learning university dedicated to regeneration of local culture, local economy and local ecology. He is also a co-founder of the Learning Societies Network and has pioneered the Learning Societies Unconference in India.

Maria Muniz (Mayá)
Mayá, 73 years old, is an indigenous Brazilian woman of the Pataxó Hã-hã-hã-hãe ethnicity. She is one of the most remarkable indigenous educator in Brazil’s recent history, teacher of popular culture, writer, political and spiritual leader. Mayá has carried her school through 396 land retakes over 30 years. This long journey, together with the teachings of her mother, who kept alive the relationship of her children with the spiritual entities, forged this woman as an educator, giving body and intensity to her theory and to her counter-historiographical and decolonizing method.

Marina Pechlivanis
Marina is a Partner at Umbigo do Mundo. Master in Communication and Consumption. Post graduate professor. Author of Systemic Management for a Complex World and Gift Economy, among others. Founder of the Educational platform for Kindness and Generosity.

Marie Goodwin
Marie is a recovering academic, writer, activist, and mom to two unschooled teens. She recently founded Personal Mycology, a consulting company devoted to deschooling and unschooling support.

Michael Hrebeniak
Michael Hrebeniak is Convenor of the New School of the Anthropocene and Lecturer in Film Poetics at University College London. He has written widely on the Beat Generation, jazz, ecopoetics, cinema and visual culture, and is also a psychogeographical filmmaker.

Michelle Presend
Academic Coordinator African Regional Hub for TRAJECTS (Transitional Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability) at Energy System Research Group UCT– Part-time, PhD Candidate in Anthropology in Environmental Humanities South at the University of Cape Town, Independent relational and decolonial scholar, facilitator, and writer

Moshe Cohen
Moshe Cohen (Mr. YooWho) creates, performs and teaches in the world of ‘the funny.’ For 40+ years now, he has pursued excellence in the elusive art form called Clown, seeking to bring more lightness and laughter into the world through his actions. Since his first refugee camp performance in Chiapas (MX) in 1987, Moshe has been bringing laughter into places where it’s needed through his work with Clowns Without Borders and currently, Medical Clown Project.

Nour Elkhattaby Strauch
Nour Elkhattaby Strauch is a community organizer and facilitator from Casablanca, Morocco, currently living in Western Massachusetts. Nour is starting a new adventure as Executive Director of YES!, and hopes to continue growing the impact of this organization that works with social changemakers at the meeting point of internal, interpersonal and systemic change to co-create thriving, just and balanced ways of life for all.

Nadia Cheney
Nadia Chaney is a community arts facilitator and trainer. She is the host of the Time Zone Research Lab and the creator of Toolsi, on-demand training for community facilitators.

Nicole Civita
Nicole is a food systems innovator, educator, ethicist and attorney. Her approach to fostering change in and through food is grounded in systems thinking and ecological knowledge, attentive to relationships of care and reciprocity, and framed by comprehensive law and policy knowledge.

Pratik Raghu
Pratik Raghu is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management (EPSM) Master of Science Program at The New School in New York City. His activist scholarship focuses on Indigenous, decolonial, anti-capitalist, and anti-authoritarian movements and theoretical frameworks from South Asia, Latin America, and other parts of the Global South.

Pia González-Tova
Sanante mexicana, madre y mujer antropóloga, defensora de derechos humanos. Creadora y directora general del centro de desarrollo de habilidades humanas El Semillero, Casa de Cultivo. Ha creado una propuesta metodológica y sistematizado experiencias en el marco de las terapias alternativas como herramienta de liberación e impulso social con miras a construir Buen Vivir, publicado en su tesis de maestría en Derechos Humanos.

Rehana Tejpar
Rehana Tejpar is a facilitator, mediator and coach working with leaders and organizational ecosystems at Bloom Consulting, to support culture change towards equity, collaboration, organizational health and creativity. Since 2005, she has been playing with play-based learning and transformation through Theatre of the Oppressed, InterPlay, and more recently sacred clowning.

Riham Aziz el Din
Riham Aziz El Din is an independent researcher of applied linguistics, feminist and critical pedagogies and professional development for educators. Riham holds a Master’s degree in Creative Dramatics with more than 10 years of hands on experience in curriculum design, digital empowerment for marginalized communities, human rights education and humanistic psychology in teaching and learning. Riham is a creative writer and poetess who dreams of a place where we can all live together: animals, trees, humans and find a creative way, perhaps a language or something else, to communicate and thrive together with peace, harmony and connectedness. Riham believes in magic when humans learn something new in their own way, own definition and on their own rhythm. To quote Riham, “When seeing a cat, I say Hello!”

Rubén Darío
Aprendiz y facilitador de aprendizaje auto-dirigido.

Ron Berlinski
Ron used to love learning but felt that the education system took that away from him. He believes being intrinsically motivated to learn is the best way to be prepared for the future, and school takes that away from people. Now, he's doing all he can to change that.

Sara El-Sayeh
Sara is an Egyptian mother living in Cairo, Egypt. She has been exploring ways of reimagining and remembrance throughout her life. This exploration has taken different forms ranging from economics to energy work. Sara travels a Sufi path as she experiments in this lab called. Life. She feels most alive mothering, writing, gathering, facilitating in remembrance and weaving magic into the mundane.

Sarah Harb
Passionate Educational Leader /environmental activist with 10 years of Career Experience in Building Safe Communities, I have a proven track record in leading teams of (kids, youth, and Women) Who effectively engage with Children and Families. Founder of Dai Company for sustainable educational solutions. the company offers educational programs for people with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values while paying attention to sustainable development and its issues and striving to be eco-friendly... Another program Nussima Educational Space (First Self-directed learning Space in (Alexandria, Egypt) for children and their parents by using active learning Strategies, techniques, and tools in the Education process, providing After School Program service and Alternative Schools based on self-directed Methodology that aspires to redefine Education in Egypt. We designed and implement 10 Educational programs till now.

Sami Soliman
I was first introduced to the power of the breath in 2012 and since then I have been learning and experimenting, since 2021 I have been offering sessions and nothing brings me more joy then seeing people come out of the session and realizing how the most powerful tool to navigate life with ease is literally just under their nose.

Salo studied advertisement, but he is passionate about illustration, photography, traveling, bioconstruction and climbing. He has been a CM, designer, photographer and co-producer for international projects that care for our planet & its human communities. One of his purposes is to inspire more humans to regenerate life.

Shafaat Shahbandari
Shafaat Shahbandari is a writer, journalist, poet and filmmaker. Words and their magical connotations have been his constant companions since he fell in love with them as a teenager and have been wedded to them ever since. Writing to make a difference and giving new meaning to the written word is his undying passion. As a writer, he likes giving voice to the voiceless, telling stories of people who are making a difference to our world quietly. As a poet, Shafaat touches upon a wide range of subjects, from the mundane daily stuff like death to more serious matters such as beauty of a crow. His poetic works are laced with generous doses of sarcasm and dollops of dark humour. As a journalist, Shafaat has worked in India and the UAE in an eventful career of almost 20 years, exploring stories in India, Asia, Middle East and Africa. As a filmmaker, he documents stories that matter, stories that are seldom told, stories that help you take a pause and rethink your reality! Currently based in Bengaluru, he is the founder of Thousand Shades of India, an alternative media initiative that celebrates the diversity of India through visual and literary interventions.

Shruti Tharayil
Shruti co-runs the space Unlearning Ashram in Calicut, Kerala. Shruti is also the founder for Forgotten Greens, an initiative focussing on reviving and reclaiming the fast disappearing knowledge systems of uncultivated greens.

Sophia Bazile
Hello, I’m Sophia: an educator, facilitator, curator, convener, and perpetual seeker. I often serve as a companion or guide on journeys of individual and collective inquiry. As an enthusiastic 'generalist'/’serial specialist’ with a focus on socio-cultural change, I have exchanged in a range of contexts and around many different topics, including but not limited to Futures of: Work, Education, Talent, Tourism, Disaster Risk Resilience, Gender Equality & Women's Empowerment, Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies and Digital Humanities, Spirituality, and Health & Wellness. I enjoy the co-creation of un/learning experiments that are decolonial, feminist, transdisciplinary, and experiential in their mixed methods approaches to re/imagining our possible futures yet-to-be-woven.

Sophie Strand
Sophie Strand is a writer focused on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. Her first book of essays The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine is forthcoming from Inner Traditions Fall 2022.

Stephanie Knox Steiner
As a peace educator and mindfulness practitioner, I help individuals and organizations integrate peace education into their work. Innovating and facilitating learning experiences that motivate action for a loving and just world is my contribution towards a global culture of peace. My areas of expertise include: sustainability, nonviolence, yoga, mindfulness, leadership, service learning, higher education, online learning and teacher professional development. What I offer is deeply inspired by the transformative work of teachers I’ve studied with: Joanna Macy, Meg Wheatley, and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.

Sujith Ravindran
Author of the classic on men's spirituality, The Shiva Code. Founder/Initiator of the European Festival of Brotherhood and Festival della Maturita Maschile (and a few other festivals for men's growth). Sits on (or guides) many boards of foundations missioned with men's evolution, and serves as a spiritual elder to many men's movements across the globe.

Sunisa Janwiset Deiters
She lived and worked as a facilitator at Wongsanit Ashram, a socially engaged spiritual community for about 9 years, and later at Panya Permaculture project in Thailand. She helped create the Next Generation of Global Ecovillage Network of Asia & Oceania (NextGENOA) and is currently mentoring the young leaders of the network. She has facilitated courses in many countries for NGO workers, young Buddhists activists, international students and children. She uses participatory teaching methods and her focus is on deep ecology and nature connection. She founded Gaia Ashram with her partner in 2012. Now she divides her time Teaching, managing Gaia Ashram project and taking care of her kids.

Taskeen Adam
Dr. Taskeen is a Co-Director with Open Development & Education and a Senior Research Lead at EdTech Hub. She specialises in topics such as tech-supported teacher professional development, virtual learning environments and open education. She completed her PhD on ‘Addressing Injustices through MOOCs: A study among peri-urban, marginalised South African youth’ at the University of Cambridge. Her research highlighted that historical injustices, cultural imposition, and economic dependence continue to play a pivotal role in education. Her MPhil thesis focused on the ‘Sustainable Implementation of the One Laptop per Child project in Rwanda’. Alongside her academic pursuits, she pioneered Khwela (a regional online course platform) and Solar Powered Learning in South Africa as well as Mobile Education for Smart Technology in India. Prior to her career shift to EdTech, she worked as an electrical engineer, specialising in measurement and control. Publications available here.

Vaibhav Chhabra
Vaibhav is a Mechanical engineer by training, Carpenter by passion and an Educator by choice! A graduate from Boston University, Vaibhav spent the first 2 years of his career at EyeNetra, a startup from MIT Media Labs, building portable Virtual Reality based eye diagnostic devices. While working with the rural community in India for the eye diagnostic prototype, Vaibhav founded ‘Makers Asylum.’ Maker’s Asylum is a community space focused on fostering innovation through hands on learning. The space houses various labs that are co-located in order to facilitate prototyping of ideas that are interdisciplinary in nature. Vaibhav essentially coupled his degree with his passion to create the first community Makerspace in India. The key focus of this space has been to share the joy of making.

Vasna Ramasar
Vasna Ramasar is currently a Senior Lecturer in Human Ecology and a Research Fellow in Sustainability Science at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) in Sweden. She was born and raised in South Africa, a dynamic country, where she learnt important lessons of freedoms, people’s roles in nature and about inequality. She has 10 years research, consulting and teaching experience across southern and eastern Africa, Asia, Europe and north America. In the past, her work has focused on water governance, environmental assessment and policy, HIV/AIDS and the environment and sustainability but being a generalist at heart, she is most interested trying to understand the big picture of how people and planetary dynamics come together and the complexity of these interactions.

Xinlin Song
She is currently working on deepening her knowledge and bond with the mountainous community within the Himalayan-Hengduan mountain range. With guidance from the surrounding Tibetan sacred mountains, she serves to develop programs that facilitate a process of de-learning, re-learning and re-membering.

Yoko and Tao
yoko and tao are two Homo sapiens who were born in Changsha and now living with a cat in an Italian Prealps village called Pasturo.

Zak Stein
Zak Stein is a philosopher of education and author of the book Education in a Time Between Worlds.