Why are we reimagining education?

Because how we learn changes how we live.

A world where diverse knowledge systems, ecologies and cosmologies coexist is needed and possible. 

It is possible to have a world where many worlds exist. 

Join this experiment in collective learning, to be in better service of life and care for the Earth.

April 27 – 30, 2023


Join this emergent movement and be inspired, build relationships, and tap into deep imagination. 

 Together, we’re re-imagining what learning can be. 

We are many, coming from different places and paths.



The Re-imagining Education Conference (REC) is an annual 4-day long intensive online conference, bringing people together across geographies, knowledge systems and experiences. The abundance of tools and knowledge shared in the conference also reverberates in our micro conferences happening every two months throughout the year in a more intimate setting. 



REC is organized within and throughout the large web of the Ecoversities Alliance, a coalition of educators, of learners, practitioners, communities, weavers, and dreamers from a plurality of worldviews, backgrounds, and experiences.



Over the past 2 years, the conference has brought together over

2000 people, 280 contributors, and more than 50 organizations from 6 continents.

Through the conference, our hope is to make space for questions to surface and relations to emerge and strengthen.


How can we learn from “other worlds” to enrich all our worlds? 


How can we listen to what is alive and emergent and integrate it into our daily practices? 


How can academics nurture and be nurtured by nonconventional spaces that are re-imagining education and life?


What if our places of learning oriented away from learning about the world in order to act upon it, to learning to become with the world around us?



What questions will you bring?




The conference is held in the spirit of abundance and a desire to create gift culture. All contributions, monetary or otherwise, are appreciated and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Learn more about gift culture.



We invite your whole self to participate. We’ll have sessions and games throughout the day that focus on movement, art, and somatic practices, without excluding feelings and emotions and inviting all our senses in.



We welcome you to this gathering of pedagogues, visionaries, pleasure activists, un/researchers and tricksters… along with our many ecologies and kin to embody different forms of education, taking us beyond the commodification of knowledge and life.



We hold intentional relationships with what is around us, and what is emerging; we invite openness to the ideas, actions and connections that will unfold organically during this unique gathering of hearts, souls and minds oriented to a common horizon.



Learning is enhanced when we are together among different worldviews, generations, territories, and languages. We can broaden our own ways of knowing by witnessing what is reflected back to us in mirrors we’ve never looked in. We learn with, within, and beyond differences.



As we question, research, and nourish our imaginations, we also continue to take action, walk, weave, play, experiment and co-create, becoming what we dream of being.

Partner Networks & Collectives

If you or your organization would like to be a partner with us, please get in touch!

Supporting Organizations

Gifts for Re-imagining

“How we can improve our perception of the complexity we live within, so we may improve our interaction with the world?”

This following talk was recorded by and gifted to us by Nora Bateson in lieu of her being able to offer a live session. Nora Bateson is an award-winning filmmaker, research designer, writer, educator, and international lecturer, as well as President of the International Bateson Institute based in Sweden. She is the creator of the Warm Data theory and practices.