Speakers / Panelists

Alessandra Pomarico
Curator of international and multidisciplinary artists’ residency programs at the intersection of arts, pedagogy, social issues, nano-politics, and the poetic of relationship in community building.

Alison Wood
Academic, intraprenuer and education reformer Alison has spent twenty years obsessed with the question 'what are Universities really for?'. More recently, she's focused that question towards the work Universities can and must do in the face of geo-political instability and acute climate emergency. She's currently founding Academic Director of Homerton Changemakers, & Fellow, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

Amisha Ghadiali
Amisha Ghadiali is an intuitive therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She is the host and founder of the globally acclaimed podcast and community, The Future Is Beautiful.

Andrew Langford
Co-president Of Gaia University. Andrew is an unusualist, a possibilist and a lover of small-scale living associated with large-scale thinking.

Ann-Perry Witmer
Visiting Research Scientist at the Illinois Applied Research Institute. Her research effort focuses on the refinement of the Contextual process methodology, in which user conditions are incorporated into the design process to produce a more sustainable outcome.

Bayo Akomolafe
Dr. Bayo Akomolafe considers his most sacred work to be learning how to be with his daughter and son, Alethea Aanya and Kyah Jayden – and their mother, his wife and “life-nectar”, Ijeoma. “To learn the importance of insignificance” is the way he frames a desire to reacquaint himself with a world that is irretrievably entangled, preposterously alive and completely partial.

Ben Rawlence
Award winning writer, activist, former speech writer to Sir Menzies Campbell and Charles Kennedy and co-founder of Black Mountains College.

Brandon Hay
Founder of the Black Daddies Club and consultant which brings over 10 years of experience working in Canada and internationally with a background in strong mobilizing, leadership and facilitation skills, taking a transformative and equity approach to issues of marginalization, health and well-being.

Caio Celeste Vidal
Lives in Ubatuba-SP and is in the 1st year of high school. He arrived at Cirandas Community School in 2017 and left in 2019, when he graduated from Elementary School. In 2020, he participated and undertook the first class of Unilivre Paraty meetings and activities. Caio developed a love for birds and since then he has been present at several bird-related events, such as the Paraty Bird Festival, Avistar and the 2019 South American Bird Fair in Uruguay, where he participated in a table as a representative of the young observers from Brazil.

Cooperativa CACAO
Autonomous Cooperative of Sharing and Learning in Oaxaca. CACAO is currently made up of Areli Nolasco, Edgardo García (Edi) and Miguel Angel García. Areli is an Oaxacan woman, chocolatier, nutritionist, mother of Ximena, proud of belonging to the original Ayuuk (Mixe) people. Edi is an out-of-school chocolatier and sociologist born in Oaxaca, a Zapotec, Ximena's father. Fighter for autonomy, solidarity economy and food sovereignty. Miguel is a biologist and chocolatier from San Mateo Piñas Pochutla. Father of Mateo Benjamín. Teacher of biology and permaculture of children from elementary to high school.

Charles Eisenstein
Teacher, speaker, and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution.

Ché-vanni Davids
Founder of the Reimagined Learning Community, Explorer in the Re-humanization of Education through Unschooling/ Natural Learning, Indigenous Knowledge systems and Regenerative Communities.

Clara Balaguer
Clara is a cultural worker. She is the coordinator of the Social Practices course at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam and teaches Experimental Publishing at Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. In the Philippines, she co-founded Hardworking Goodlooking, a cottage industry publishing hauz, and The Office of Culture and Design, a research platform and residency program that articulated cultural programming with rural and underserved communities. Through her projects, she is interested in the value of vernacular material culture and processes of collectivizing authorship.

Crystal Foreman
Owner and educator of Holistic Wellness and Health which makes healthy living easy, nutritious, delicious and fun with a focus on plant-based foods to help you live a healthier, compassionate and more vibrant life. Crystal uses a whole person approach focused on mind, body, soul and spirit to improve the quality of life for all beings. Crystal also works to improve food justice, food sovereignty and sustainable food access. In addition to her public health and health administration degrees, Crystal is a certified Permaculture designer and a Certified Baltimore City Master Gardener.

Daniel Christian Wahl
Daniel is an international consultant and educator specialising in biologically-inspired whole systems design and transformative innovation. He is a biologist (University of Edinburgh and University of California), holds an MSc in Holistic Science (Schumacher College) and a PhD in Design (CSND, University of Dundee, 2006). Daniel currently works for Gaia Education and the SMART UIB project of the Universidad de las Islas Balears. Triarchy Press published his first book, Designing Regenerative Cultures, in 2016.

Debora Saraiva
A percussionist, art educator and social entrepreneur. Debora lived in Berlin for 9 years, working in the main educational institutions of the German capital. Currently residing between the Rio-São Paulo axis, she collaborates with the pedagogy, management and planning of the Cirandas Community School, with a group of young dreamers, undertakes the Free University Paraty initiative inspired by the master Manish Jain and the masters of UniKebradas, and works in collective social efforts to support traditional and vulnerable communities.

Dena Merriam
Founder and Convener, Global Peace Initiative of Women, student of Paramahansa Yogananda and a practitioner of Kriya Yoga meditation, her work supports the shift in consciousness needed to address successfully ecological decline, economic and gender imbalance, climate instability, violence and other critical issues.

Dougald Hine
Writer, speaker and co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME.

Ed Blackshear & Geoff Brown (2BPOV)
2BPOV (Brothers Point Of View) is a show that touches on many social, economic & Sports topics. The show features Geoffrey Brown & Ed Blackshear, two inspirational individuals from Utica, NY.

Espen L. H. Malling
I'm immersed in an attempt to make sense of and meaningfully act on the complex, interconnected challenges facing Earth and its inhabitants. Particularly interested in helping facilitate the local emergence of regenerative worldviews and practices in support of a thriving future for all life. Collaborating with a broad, international field of activists and scholars, my current activities include writing and speaking on various dimensions of these topics, helping to organize local and global community learning and action, consulting work, and weaving across existing initiatives and networks.

Eve Annecke
Ecologist, teacher, writer. Inseparable from nature, place and children, the work has led her into inter-generational stories in a messily indigenous homebrew of context, dialogue, ecology in place, arts, cultures, mythology and consciousness.

Four Arrows
Donald Trent Jacobs, also known as Wahinkpe Topa or Four Arrows, is an American college professor, writer and activist for American Indian rights whose work has focused on indigenous worldviews, wellness and counter-hegemonic education.

Franco Augusto
Social activist, unprofessionalized intellectual, manager of open collaborative projects and documentalist of alternatives around the planet, collaborating with processes of social transformation for almost 20 years now.

Georgia Ntousikou
Health Psychologist with a special focus on the healing aspects of the intimate relationship with Nature. Georgia has been creating and implementing special educational and therapeutic programs for children and adults with the aim “to reconnect with nature ~ reconnect with one’s self” for over twenty years.

Gerardo López Amaro
Gerardo is currently walking passionately the path of autonomous education with the task of imagining spaces of encounter for thinking-feeling together about ways to strengthen the defense of life, memory and territory. He sees this as part of a planetary struggle for cognitive and ontological justice.

Gijs Spoor
An Ashoka Changemaker, Gijs Spoor is the founder of UnLtd TN, a social business incubator based in Auroville, India. With a background in organic agriculture, fair trade and cotton textiles industry, Gijs is passionate about building inclusive value chains that allow direct and meaningful relationships between the producers and consumers. Gijs has been actively researching and working towards forming alternative currencies.

Giselle Paulino
Giselle co-created the Reimagining Education journey with Manish Jain, who among others, stood out for taking groups with different profiles to learn from the favelas in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraty. This journey resulted in the creation of UniDiversidade das Kebradas, a free university that recognizes community leaders as masters who are solving in practice complex issues of society such as garbage, food, etc.

Gustavo Esteva
Gustavo Esteva is a Mexican activist, "deprofessionalized intellectual" and founder of the Universidad de la Tierra in the Mexican city of Oaxaca. He is one of the best known advocates of post-development.

Helena Noberg-Hodge
Founder and director of Local Futures, a non-profit organization "dedicated to the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide."

Houman Harouni
Houman Harouni is a practice-based theorist of culture and education. His work—which combines psychology, philosophy, political economy, and pedagogy—addresses the potential of institutions for maintaining or changing social relations. His study of power-dynamics in culture opens to conclusions relevant for education as well as for leadership, organizational studies and social theory. Harouni has been a Spencer fellow at the National Academy of Education, a postdoctoral fellow at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a presidential fellow of Harvard University.

Iran Melo
PhD in Letters from the University of São Paulo. He develops academic activities under the paradigms of the interface studies between gender, sexuality and language, of critical discourse studies and linguistics applied to the teaching and learning of Portuguese as a mother tongue. Professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, where he teaches in the Language and Language Program at the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies. At this university, he coordinates the Center for Queer and Decolonial Studies. Currently co-directs a Commission for Diversity Inclusion and Equality of the Brazilian Association of Linguistics.

Itzel Farías Malagón
Woman, mother and researcher of unschooling processes. She is part of an unschooling family, collaborator of Unitierra de Oaxaca and Unitierra Huitzo Yelao. Member of the Alternative Learning Network in Oaxaca and other diverse learning networks. Psychologist by training, in the process of completing her Master's degree in Educational Research and Development.

Joe Brewer
Joe has a unique background in physics, math, philosophy, atmospheric science, complexity research, and cognitive linguistics. More than a decade ago, he left the academy to trail blaze a path for other research practitioners to follow.

John Foran
Scholar-activist-radical in the global climate justice movement, recovering sociologist, seeker of system alternatives with heart, member of the Eco Vista community and Eco Vista U, teaches sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.

Karim-Yassin Goessinger
Founder of the Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CILAS) in 2013. As an educator, Karim-Yassin combines his backgrounds in philosophy and urbanism with practicing Qi Gong, serving tea, and cooking.

Kate Morales
Kate’s work as a graphic recorder, visual facilitator, writer, printmaker and culture creator uses image, symbol, story, memory, affect, and intuition to help the wisdom in a collective be known to itself. Currently making home on Muskoke Territory in Atlanta, GA, Kate is a mixed-race, queer parent in community. They are a Cultural-Animist Somatics practitioner, capoerista and devoted student of black feminism, fungi, and love. @crowcamino

Kelly Teamey
A filmmaker, writer and mother who stepped out of a traditional academic career path in education and international development a decade ago to co-create spaces for enlivened and cosmopolitical forms of learning, leading, inquiry and organising. She is one of the co-founders of the Ecoversities Alliance.

Keri Facer
She is Professor of Educational and Social Futures at the University of Bristol, works on the relationship between education, time, pasts-futures and change, as well as building deep collaborations between universities and the communities they are part of. She is currently advising the UNESCO Futures of Education programme, planting a food forest, writing a book on living in time and trying to develop a network of ‘civic’ universities to mobilise their role as anchor institutions in local communities to address climate change.

Krista Hiser
Curriculum specialist and college professor teaching climate communication, environmental literature and climate fiction at the University of Hawaii.

Ku Kahakalau
a native Hawaiian educator, researcher, cultural practitioner, grassroots activist, song writer, and expert in Hawaiian language, history and culture. Since the mid 90s Aunty Kū, as she prefers to be called, has led the Hawaiian-focused education movement, creating the first Hawaiian culture-based school within a school, and the first culturally-driven charter school and teacher licensing program. Her latest efforts center around developing EA Ecoversity, a Hawaiian-focused post-secondary program designed to transition Hawaiian youth to happy, culturally-grounded, thriving, responsible global citizens, able to walk comfortably in multiple worlds.

Laniece Herron
Motivational speaker and experienced coaching professional. By providing clients with the right tools and knowledge, Laniece has helped clients unleash their potential, paving the way towards both personal and professional success.

Lauren Breland
Lauren Breland is a force. She’s a fierce advocate for human rights, educator and facilitator, engaging motivational speaker, poet, former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer, and believer in the ability of all humans to transform their lives for the better.

Liam Kavanaugh
Liam Kavanagh is a cognitive scientist who studies how our body and feelings interact with our thoughts, both within the individual and within social groups. Liam studied Economics at Cambridge University, and holds a PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Science from UCSD.

Manish Jain
Co-founder of the Swaraj University which is India's first self-designed learning university dedicated to regeneration of local culture, local economy and local ecology. He is also a co-founder of the Learning Societies Network and has pioneered the Learning Societies Unconference in India.

Manolo Callahan
Manolo Callahan’s work explores three interwoven areas: the US/Mexico border and borderlands historically and in the present; Indigenous struggles across the Americas including Zapatista struggles located in Chiapas; and convivial research, a community based research methodology that draws on engaged scholarship emerging from the Global South.

Marco Andrade V.
A curious researcher of processes that enhance human flourishing and most of his life has been related to communities, movements and networks aimed at restoring the potential of the human soul. He is actively involved Mushuk Away, an Ecuadorian network that links dreams, experiences and projects of alternative education.

Marianne Marstrand
Executive Director at The Global Peace Initiative of Women who helps organize dozens of major gatherings around the world dedicated to interfaith understanding, peace, conflict and healing, the earth’s ecosystems and strengthening of the voices of women and young leaders.

Marina Pechlivanis
Founding partner of Umbigo do Mundo, post-Graduate Professor in Holistic Marketing, Knowledge Economy and Customer Relations. Author of the books “Management of Enchantment 1 and 2", "Gift Economy: the new economic miracle" and "Gifting", among other titles including children’s literature. Works on projects for NGOs, including the Educational Platform for Kindness and Generosity

Michelle Teran
Michelle (born in Canada) is an educator, artist, researcher and activist. She is practice-oriented Research Professor Social Practices at Willem de Kooning Academy. Her research areas encompass socially engaged and site-specific art, transmedia storytelling, counter-cartographies, social movements, feminist practices and critical pedagogy.

Miti Desai
Founder and Creative Head at Miti Design Lab. Miti is a Classical Dancer, Designer and Educator.

Myrna Hoed
Co-founder of No Bullshit Academy, Innovaness. and programme developer at Bureau Mychapeau. Coach of Attitude Change, habits & complaints, Theatre maker, dramaturg, creative thinker, training format builder with head, heart and hands and loves to dance.

Nariman Moustafa
Founder of Mesahat: Liberating Learning Spaces, a network of inter-connected, inter-generational self-designed communal learning spaces in Cairo, Egypt. And a member of the Ecoversities Alliance. Nariman is a community-arts and an agile learning facilitator as well as weaver of regenerative living communities and practices.

Paige Teamey
Facilitant of autonomous spaces that nurture joy, relationality, experiential connections, and the literal and figurative feeling of communing around food. Bridge builder between formal and informal learning spaces, working with organizations as an outside disrupter and community connector. Currently entangled with the Enlivened Learning Cooperative; co-host radical-ed/afrofuturism/futurism gatherings; host family storytelling through science nights; and support high school aged youth facilitants to become student educators in their own community learning spaces.

Philip Loring
Ecological anthropologist with interests in food security and sovereignty, community sustainability, and environmental change. Associate Professor of Geography at the Department of Geography and Arrell Food Institute, University of Guelph.

Pieter Spinder
Co-founder of Innovaness, Knowmads Business school, and No Bullshit Academy Author of "From Fear to Freedom" and "Anders Verder".

Prachi Mittal
Prachi is an impulsive expressionist. Obstetrician of ideas, she loves to experiment with different ideas, initiate new projects and juggle with possibilities. A chemical engineer by training, Prachi spent the last 5 years working with education tech startups and alternative schools. She is deeply passionate to proliferate and strengthen the idea of self-designed learning and is working on several projects around it.

Ramasubramanian Oruganti
Ramasubramanian (Ram), quit the corporate world to start Samanvaya in 1998 along with his wife Rama and has been dedicated to work in the social sector since then. Over the past 22 years, he has initiated and been part of several social ventures working closely with the Organic farming movement, rural livelihoods in shaping green enterprises, being part of disaster relief and rehabilitation programmes, policy making and teaching government officials on sustainability. Currently, he consults for a couple of government departments on sustainability, teaches sustainability to officials and rural women leaders and mentors green entrepreneurs.

Rebecka Koritz
Social entrepreneur and educational activist born and raised in Sweden where she trained and worked as a teacher. Since 2003 she lives in Mexico where she's been working as a catalyst for change by hacking the conventional school system from the outside.

Riddhi Shah
Riddhi Shah, has been working in the space of Education Development for the last 12 years. She believes that majority of the world's problems are solvable, provided there is a collective effort to combat them with a connection to the soil and to our higher purpose.

Sara Jolena Wolcott
Healer, minister, eco-theologian, Legacy Advisor and founding director of the international learning community gathering under the banner of Sequoia Samanvaya: connecting the disconnected through ReMembering and ReEnchanting our world. Re-originating climate change into colonization; re-originating ourselves into our human-earth family.

Shaun Chamberlin
Shaun co-created and leads Sterling College's online 'Surviving the Future: Conversations for Our Time' programme of eight-week communal immersions. As an author and activist, he has served as a pioneer of the Transition Towns movement, one of the earliest Extinction Rebellion arrestees, and chair of the Ecological Land Co-operative. He is also editor of his late mentor David Fleming's posthumous books Lean Logic and Surviving the Future, and executive producer of 2020 film The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?

Savannah Lovelock
A youth activist and poet who is exploring the UK schooling system by inquiring into how young people can gain a sense of belonging and purpose that isn't at the expense of self, community and earth.

Shephali Patel
Traditional ecologist, regenerative farmer, educator, and artist-activist. She designs, builds, and empowers projects that gather and weave our fragmented worlds back together into a whole more beautiful, resilient, and powerful than before.

Skanda Subramanya
I am Skanda. I live and work in Bangalore India. With close to a decade of experience as an environmental educator, I am now part of a space called Satvan. Satvan is a space created with the intent of having an atmosphere where individuals explore, understand and move in their relationship with nature. I am the co-founder and the coordinator at Satvan. I have a deep interest in arts and music.

Sofia Braz Leite Silva
My name is Sofia Braz Leite Silva and I am 15 years old. I currently live in Taubaté-SP and I am in the 2nd year of high school. I arrived at Cirandas Community School in the middle of 2017 and left in 2019 after graduating from elementary school. In 2020 I participated in meetings with Professor Débora and Unilivre Paraty activities. Over these 4 years I developed a love for music, having great influence of music classes at Cirandas with teacher Débora in 2019 I entered the classical viola course and in 2020 I was part of the youth orchestra Dom Couto in Taubaté, currently studying four instruments: guitar, ukulele, piano, classical viola.

Sophy Banks
A psychotherapist and co-developer of the Transition Town Movement’s ‘inner transition’ philosophy. She is deeply committed to creating healthy human culture at all levels of scale, and sees that shared practices to express and hear our grief is a fundamental part of what brings us to right relationship to ourselves and those around us.

Teana Boston-Mammah
Teana (born in Freetown, Sierra Leone, moved to England in 1973 and to the Netherlands in 1994) is a sociologist with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Essex University (UK) and a Master degree in Urban Studies and Public Policy from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is particularly interested in notions of identity in an urban context. Research areas include inclusive pedagogy, intersectional feminism, inclusion & diversity from a postcolonial perspective.

Vilma Martins de Oliveira
Leader of “Mulheres do Gau”, a collective of women from the Northeast of Brazil that created an agroforestry in a shanty town in São Paulo. Known as Tree Nursery School it attracts groups from all regions of São Paulo and has become a reference for its expertise in agroecology and for delicious food! Vilma has a PhD from the University of Grandmothers with specialization in connection with the land and postdoc in popular culture. She is a storyteller and medicine woman that teaches applied resilience and feminism with lots of charm, lightness and joy.

Vasna Ramasar
Senior Lecturer in Human Ecology and a Research Fellow in Sustainability Science at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) in Sweden.

Yeyo Beltrán
Co-founder of Universidad de la Tierra en Oaxaca (Unitierra) and Herramientas para el Buen Vivir, AC. Through his work in the non-profit sector he has developed a deep respect for the capacity people have to make a good life (buen vivir) for themselves when they are able to freely take responsibility for their own communities.

Zachary Stein
Writer, futurist, scholar and transformative educator at the Ronin Institute, where he researches the relations between education, human development, and the evolution of civilizations.

Zaid Hassan
Zaid is a strategist, writer and facilitator. He has worked on issues such as agriculture, climate change, education, energy, financial systems, malnutrition, public healthcare, security, sustainable development, and youth issues.
Embodied Practitioners

Frederic Labarthe
Freelance mentor/healer/teacher, a living heart and an almost missionary faith in the power we all have to heal, love, empower and grow ourselves for good.

Keshav Mohta
With a background in a range of ancient Indian wisdom systems and particularly the Buddha Dharma, Keshav's work focuses on an inquiry into the nature of consciousness . His approach is inter disciplinary and weaves his inquiry with systems of music, movement and poetry.

Shrey Gupta
Co-founder of Volunteer for India Zero Waste Living and microbiologist with over 9 years of academic and professional experience working in controlling environmental damage and waste problems in subtle ways.

Sukhmani Kohli
Empathetic Facilitator and a Clown Artist with 14 years of experience in theatre. Sukhmani facilitates decision-making through participatory leadership using processes from 'The Art of Hosting’ and holds spaces and experiences for people of all ages where they feel free to be real and authentic and have deep, transformative conversations.

Mery Miguez
A Social Presencing Theater teacher, arts facilitator, meditation teacher and changemaker.

Shubham Srivastav
Mother of The MoveVent Project and Zanaàn 🙂 Facilitator. Mover. Lover. Hugger. Kathak Dancer. Theater Artist.

Zoë Valerie
As an artist, educator and therapist, my work and research focus on the effect that creativity and particularly the art of improvisation have on neurological development and social behavior. The power of art to gently deconstruct repressive patterns without conflict and collapse is my driving force beyond dominant frames of what art is and what it is for.

Nimo Patel
From an Ivy League education to Wall street to fame and fortune as an MTV Rap star, at some point along Nimo's journey he realized that we were walking a path of suffering and that the only path to light was through selfless service to others and his own internal purification. For the past 10 years Nimo has been serving and working with the underprivileged communities in the Gandhi Ashram in India. Most recently Nimo has reconnected to his roots of music and is offering this gift of love, peace and oneness through his songs: an offering he calls "Empty Hands Music".

Teneia Sanders
Originally from Jackson, Mississippi, Teneia is an internationally-touring musician and songwriter, and has seven albums to her credit. She has won multiple awards, had her work featured in television and film, and shared the stage with various critically-acclaimed artists. Teneia is a visionary with the heart to match. No matter what project she is a part of she always delivers a stellar performance. With folk-soul roots and infectious hooks she teeters on the edge of defining a new sound and genre.
Organizing Team

Ana Marica
Ana's journey emerges at the intersection of learning design, organizational development and community building. On a mission to understand how communities can change for the better when self-directed learning principles are introduced in the educational process, she has spent the last 8 years researching, connecting and contributing to projects and communities from around the world who actively contribute to reimagining educational paradigms.

Andrea González Andino
Researcher, professor and adventurer. Works with themes related to gender, sexuality, communications and internet, immigration, social movements, decolonial pedagogies, queer theory among others.

Dan Rudolph
Dan spends a lot of his time learning juggling and facilitating gatherings. He also enjoys writing and sharing poetry. Dan, and a small team, are in the process of publishing a series of articles titled ‘Live Human Signposts’ that showcases individuals that have taken alternative paths to higher education and/or are pursuing regenerative livelihoods, which is being commissioned by the Ecoversities Alliance. In March, Dan will begin an apprenticeship in Vermont at the MAPLE Monastic Academy.

Eileen Walz
A lifelong learner, educator, and explorer. Eileen has been involved in learning spaces across many latitudes that prioritize creativity, self-directly learning and collective well-being. She has taken to asking the question "What is worth doing?" and hopes to support more people in living in line with their responses.

Harsh Wardhan
Weaver at Ecoversities Alliance, Administrative Coordinator at Indian Multiversities Alliance and Community Organizer at 2069?: The Youth Fest

Sierra Allen
Recovering individualist, spiritual forager, storytelling apprentice, unschooler, rock climber, and youth advocate. Co-conspirator at EDiT - Education in Transformation, audiovisual editor for the Ecoversities Alliance and the Live Human Signposts project.