rec title 2


Thursday, March 4th – Sunday, March 7th, 2021


Welcome | Thursday, March 4th

14:30 – 16:30 CET

8:30 am – 10:30 am EST

19:00 – 21:00 IST 

Opening Ceremony 1

22:00 – 00:00 CET

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST 

02:30 – 04:30 IST (March 5th)

Opening Ceremony 2


Imagination | Friday, March 5th

Imagination - Block 1
12:00 - 17:30 CET

12:00 CET

6:00 am EST

16:30 IST

Daily Check-in + Announcements (25min)

12:30 CET

6:30 am EST

17:00 IST

Ingenious Pedagogies 

Discussion-Based Learning (1 hr)

Speaker: Karim-Yassin Goessinger 

(Tea Drinking and Speaking)

Education for Regenerative Cultures (1hr)
Interviewer: Espen Malling
Speaker: Daniel Christian Wahl

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and obscene levels of inequality are but symptoms of underlying causes. To address them effectively we have to go upstream. We have to take a closer look at not just ‘what we know’ but ‘how we know’. We have to reexamine the cultural narratives that inform our dominant worldview and through that our actions. Education for regenerative cultures is about the life-long process of enabling and building the capacity of everyone to express their unique potential to serve their community and the planet and in the process serve themselves. (excerpted from the article Education and Regenerative Cultures (Version 0.0))

Re-Imagining Education with the Body (1 hr)

An embodied journey building a relationship with the Self!

Facilitator: Shubham Srivastav


14:00 CET

8:00 am EST

18:30 IST

From Alternatives IN Universities to Alternatives TO Universities

(1 hr)

(Open Session for Dialogue)

Beyond Education (1 hr)

Panelists: Gustavo Esteva, Giselle Paulino, Coopertivo Cacao, and Itzel Farias

(Panel Discussion)

How to abandon the very idea of education, which permeates all aspects of modern society -not only the school-. How to relearn to learn in freedom. The critical importance of such attitude in our current predicaments.


Radical Accompaniment (1hr)
Re-imagining education as radical accompanying in creating different ways of knowing and being

Eve Annecke

(Embodied and Speaking)

15:30 CET

9:30 am EST

20:00 IST

Applied Spirituality Part 1 (1 hr)

Liberating Imagination for Transformational Change

Facilitator: Frederic Labarthe


Experiences in socially engaged cultural practice, principles of commoning, community building, building knowledge in common and forms of conviviality with contributions from teachers, students and alumni at WdKA.

Unilivre (FreeUni) Paraty (1hr)

The impact of transformative education in our lives.

Facilitator: Debora Saraiva

Youth Panelists: Caio Celeste Vidal, Sofia Braz, Dane Golberg

17:00 CET

11:00 am EST

21:30 IST

The Re-imagining Cafe – Social Open Space (1 hr)

Imagination - Block 2
19:30 - 00:30 CET

19:30 CET

1:30 pm EST

00:00 IST (March 6th)

Daily Check-in + Announcements (25min)

20:00 CET

2:00 pm EST

00:30 IST (March 6th)

Re-Imagining Teacher Training 

(1.5 hr)

Facilitator: Nariman Moustafa

Panelists: Rebecka Koritz,  Marco Andrade V. , Eve Annecke , Ché-vanni Beon Davids, Rachel Musson, Anna Brix Thomsen, Paige Teamey

(Panel Discussion)

Feminist Pedagogies,  M.E.D.U.S.E – Mediterranean ecofeminist decolonial union for self-education 

(1hr 45min)

Panelists: Alessandra Pomarico, Daniela Festa, Jesal Kapadia

(Conversation + Workshop)

Feminist pedagogy is not only one that teaches about feminisms, rather a way of teaching and learning feministically, a feminist way to build learning spaces and inquiries. Scholars, artists, and researchers-activists will be in conversation about the methods, approaches, and sensitivities one could define as feminist, particularly in relation to the impact the ecological, social, economic crises have on women, and their roles in the struggles for the defense of territories and life. We will begin annotating ideas for a possible toolkit to support learning spaces that are not (hetero) patriarchal, not hierarchical, not exploitative, not colonial, not hegemonic, thus feminist.

21:30 CET

3:30 pm EST

2:00 am IST (March 6th)

Surviving the Future: Education in Transition (1hr)

Shaun Chamberlin & Dan Rudolph

What kind of education is required for us to Survive the Future? In this conversation Shaun and Dan will look at prospects for the future of education through the lens of David Fleming. David Fleming is the enigmatic thinker behind the books Surviving the Future, and the Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive it: Lean Logic. Shaun knew, and experienced, David’s philosophy firsthand and he served as the main editor and curator of both books. Shaun and Dan will explore the core concepts relating to education in Surviving the Future, and they will personalize and make sense of these concepts through sharing stories from their own experiences. This will be a semi-structured, emergent, conversation. 

The Pedagogy of UBUNTU (1hr)


Che-Vanni Beon Davids
(Interactive, Embodied)

An interactive visual/spiritual/sound journey and talk in and around UBUNTU as a methodology and practice, rooted in Ancient Afrika as a means/vehicle of Restoring and Reimagining Education and Life.

23:00 CET

5:00 pm EST

3:30 am IST (March 6th)

Within and Against the Neoliberal University (1.5hrs)

Panelists: Alessandra PomaricoVasna Ramasar, Manolo Callahan, John Foran, and Keri Facer

(Panel Discussion)

New Ancient Research Paradigms (1hr)
Facilitator: Nariman Moustafa

Panelists: Ann-Perry Wittmer, Kelly Teamey,
Ku Kahakalau, Zaid Hassan
(Panel Discussion)

What does research mean in the age of complex challenges?
How to do it differently?
Who is a researcher?

00:30 CET (March 6th)

6:30 pm EST

5:00 am IST (March 6th)

The Re-imagining Cafe – Social Open Space (1 hr)


Unraveling | Saturday, March 6th

Unraveling - Block 1
12:00 - 17:30 CET

12:00 CET

6:00 am EST

16:30 IST

Daily Check-in + Announcements (25min)

12:30 CET

6:30 am EST

17:00 IST

Embracing the Unraveling: Working with COVID to create new possibilities in education (1hr)

Hosts: Pieter Spinder
Myrna Hoed
(Embodied/Activity-Based and Speaking)

Higher Education for a Green Economy (1hr)

Speaker: Ramasubramanian Oruganti



Samanvaya, a social consulting firm based out of Chennai has initiated and nurtured several social and eco-friendly ventures since 1998. Samanvaya currently focusses on creating ‘Future Institutions’ and building new ‘Knowledge Pathways’ for a better planet through mainstreaming alternative ideas, tools, knowledge and experiences.
Along with the Madras School of Social Work (MSSW), Samanvaya has launched an introductory course on ‘Green Economy’ for post-graduate students this March 2021. The course includes theoretical and field based sessions for the students and will end with a 3-day camp in the international township of Auroville. The candidates will be provided with help to pursue careers in green enterprises or jobs through network institutions and organisations.
This session will introduce participants to the concept, structure, outcomes and experiences of this course by providing a walk through of the course design and also share the expectations of the candidates. Ramasubramanian, Director, Samanvaya Social Ventures, will present the course design walk through apart from sharing the convictions and the pedagogy of the same during this virtual session.

14:00 CET

8:00 am EST

18:30 IST

Education in a Time Between Worlds (1hr)
Zachary Stein

Our world is currently undergoing major transformations, from climate change and politics to agriculture and economics. The world we have known is disappearing and a new world is being born. The subjects taught in schools and universities today are becoming irrelevant at faster and faster rates. Not only are we facing complex challenges of unprecedented size and scope, we’re also facing a learning and capacity deficit that threatens the future of civilization.


Education in a Time Between Worlds seeks to reframe this historical moment as an opportunity to create a global society of educational abundance. Educational systems must be transformed beyond recognition if humanity is to survive the planetary crises currently underway. Human development and learning must be understood as the Earth’s most valuable resources, with human potential serving as the open frontier into which energy and hope can begin to flow.

Clowning as Self-Education (2.5hrs)
Mery Miguez
15 participants max.

While we try everything we can in our struggle to live in the present moment, for our clowns “now” is the only time there is.


They take pleasure in everything they experience, curiosity is their guiding force and savoring the richness of every moment is the only thing worth spending their “now” with. So, stop the struggle and let your clown show you the way to “Now”.


In this 2.5-hour session, we will explore different ways to access the infinite range of possibilities inherent in any given situation. Using techniques that come from physical theater, such as clowning, we will practice listening to our own impulses while co-creating with others in the present moment. The intention of the workshop is to learn and explore in a relaxed environment accompanied by plenty of laughter. We will spend the time together seeing ourselves, others, and the world with a sense of new perspectives and fresh eyes.

Applied Spirituality Part 2 (1hr)

The new intelligence and the forgotten dimensions of education

Facilitator: Frederic Labarthe 


Complexity University: Climate Edu Lab (1hr) 

Panelists: Tara Rao, Molly Stevenson


15:30 CET

9:30 am EST

20:00 IST

Ecosocial Regeneration: Place-Based Pedagogies (1hr)

Panelists: Andrew Langford,

Nicole Civita, and Joe Brewer


Guiding Questions for this session:

1) What projects are you working on to enable EcoSocial Regeneration ?  (i.e. Sterling College – EcoGather, Joe – Barichara Earth Regeneration Fund, Andrew – Gaia University)

2) How can we support each other in realizing EcoSocial Regeneration ?

3) How can this be applied more widely in mainstream higher education institutions?

Queer Perspectives (1.5hrs)
Panelists: Kate Morales (Ecoversities), Andrea González Andino (Ecoversities, Mushuk Away) and Irán Melo (Nu Queer

(Panel Discussion)

Book Launch (1hr)
Intuition‘ – Amisha Ghadiali

Collective Wisdom in the West: Beyond the Shadows of the Enlightenment‘ –

Liam Kavanaugh
(Presentation and Discussion)

17:00 CET

11:00 am EST

21:30 IST

The Re-imagining Cafe – Social Open Space (1 hr)

Unraveling - Block 2
19:30 - 1:30 CET

19:30 CET

1:30 pm EST

00:00 IST (March 7th)

Daily Check-in + Announcements (25min)

20:00 CET

2:00 pm EST

00:30 IST (March 7th)

Re-Imagining Spaces of Healing
for the Black Community (1hr)

Panelists: Ed and Geoff – 2BPOV, Laniece Herron, Lauren Breland, Tamara Gooding
(Panel Discussion)

Earth-Based Engineering (1hr)

Ann-Perry Wittmer
(Interactive Session)

How our technological approach to problem-solving may ignore significant sociocultural conditions that make solutions inapplicable, how to acknowledge and grapple with the unknown unknowns of life.

Decolonising Education
through Education (1hr)

Panelists: Dougald Hine, Ben Rawlence, Manish Jain, Bayo Akomolafe

Guiding Questions for this session:

1) What projects are you working on to create spaces for Decolonising Education ?  (i.e. Bayo – We Will Dance with the Mountains, Ben – Black Mountains College, Dougald – A School Called HOME, Manish – Swaraj University/Ecoversities/Swaraj Jail University)

2) How can we support each other ?

3) How can this be applied more widely in mainstream higher education institutions?

21:30 CET

3:30 pm EST

2:00 am IST (March 7th)

Quiet Unlearning
within Structures of Certitude (1hr)
Facilitator: Nariman Moustafa

Panelists: Alison Wood, Krista Hiser, Philip Loring, Houman Harouni
(Panel Discussion)

This panel explores the pockets of resistance where quiet unlearning is happening amongst the citadels of epistemic certitude. It is about the ways in which Emergence is already occurring inside higher education institutions that traditionally may or may not overtly support the transformation of society to deal with near-term social collapse. In a sense, this panel invites us to look at the academic “trojan horses” and to build solidarity across such spaces. Some questions to discuss around are: What happens inside those classrooms? What do both students and professors unlearn? What are the stories of experiments and trials of transformative pedagogies, structures, relationships, conversations, and assignments that are finding their ways inside of old-paradigm majors and disciplines? How do teachers/professors negotiate themselves and their work within the walls of these institutions and its “certainties”?

Pedagogies of Care (1hr) 

Hosts: Marina Pechlivanis and Vilma Martins de Oliveira

Reimagining education for kindness and generosity. How to implement viable strategies for this significant change in mind set? How can we work today to change the axis of social awareness and citizenship with new generations? How can we act on beliefs and values ​​that can contribute to this social, emotional, cultural and mental transformation?

Sharing Healthy Human Culture (2hrs)

Speakers: Sophy Banks and Savannah Lovelock

Cancelled due to time zone confusion. Sophy shared this link to her work:

Exploring the health and unhealth of core inter-cultural archetypes. How these deep cultural frames underpin fundamentally different approaches to education based on trust, creativity, welcome, celebrating and developing gifts, community spirit; OR service to a work based culture rooted in putting material growth ahead of love and life.

23:00 CET

5:00 pm EST

3:30 am IST (March 7th)

Education for Localization (1hr)

Speaker: Helena Norberg-Hodge

Living in the ancient Tibetan culture of Ladakh for decades transformed my western worldview. I saw that intergenerational community, experiential knowledge and a more localised economy structurally created more feminine, nurturing relationships, both to others and to the earth. I will talk about these structures, while also outlining the concepts and ideas that keep us blindly supporting a destructive global economy. Ecoversities need to provide both the analytical tools of resistance to the global monoculture and the holistic, deep embodied tools of local, ever-diverse renewal.

Visions on Higher Education in Abya Yala (Latin America) (1.5 hrs)

Facilitator: Andrea González Andino  Panelists: Sergio “Yeyo” Beltrán, Gerardo López Amaro

(Panel Discussion)

Psycho-Physical Impermanence (1hr) 

Facilitator: Keshav Mohta

Movement practices designed to investigate impermanence of the various bodies which constitute our psycho physical nature, they arise from the Buddhist inquiry into Kaya Anupassana (tracking of body over time).

00:30 CET (March 7th)

6:30 pm EST

5:00 am IST (March 7th)

The Re-imagining Cafe – Social Open Space (1 hr)


Emplacement | Sunday, March 7th

Emplacement - Block 1
12:00 - 17:30 CET

12:00 CET

6:00 am EST

16:30 IST

Daily Check-in + Announcements (25min)

12:30 CET

6:30 am EST

17:00 IST

Radical Pedagogies:
Miso Making, a process for Re-Alignment (1hr)

Host: Peace and Permaculture Dojo

This will be a talk on how we share the practice of making miso, connecting people to food, culture, history, politics, ecology, biology, and self. By communally making miso, using our hands sharing microorganisms with each other in the process, we co-create a unique transformative environment with nourishing miso to look forward to in 6 months.

If participants would like to have a more experiential session, they can make miso as I talk. IT IS NOT REQUIRED. Participants are welcome to just come and hear the talk with no preparation.

For those who would like to make miso as they hear me talk, I suggest
1. come with boiled soy beans or garbanzo beans (other beans could work, but I have not tried)
2. bring koji (the mold that “makes” the miso
3. salt

Here is a recipe I just searched online (there maybe better ones)

I normally mix with my hands so they should be prepared to have hands covered in beans, koji, and salt. It will be tricky to touch their electronic devices (mute/unmute, etc). I’m not sure what to do about that, but either they don’t touch their devices once they start mixing miso, or have a bowl of water and towel.

How to start your own Ecoversity (1hr)

Speaker: Manish Jain


We Embody Wisdom (1hr)

Facilitator: Zoë Valerie


The body is a community of 50 trillion cells based on harmonious coexistence with an innate and natural tendency towards joy, health and self-healing. The architecture of the body, its logic, is an expression of the genius of nature. The mind inhabits the body, the entire body, beyond the organ of the brain. The functioning mechanisms of the body and mind coexist, communicate and collaborate in astonishing ways. When this is allowed.
Without substantial contact with our guts and subconscious our contact with our common sense, sensory intelligence and instincts -the wisdom we embody-  is reduced. We are born with innumerable neurological abilities, instead of gradually losing these as we grow we can cultivate and expand them.

I remain permanently amazed and inspired by the potential of our physical, mental and creative skills and by how unlimited the evolution of our sensing and moving nature can be.

This is what we will practice in this session.

Like when we were kids…


Spring Academy

Alivelihoods: Finding Passion and Connection for a Better Tomorrow (1hr)
Panelists: Miti Desai, Prachi Mital, and Gijs Spoor

(Panel Discussion)

14:00 CET

8:00 am EST

18:30 IST

Remembering our Roots
Acknowledging our History (1hr)

Host: Sara Jolena Wolcott
Panelists: Four Arrows (+ to be confirmed)
(Panel discussion)

DIY Cleaning Solutions (1hr)

Simplifying chemical free living using nature-based solutions

Host: Shrey Gupta

The Juicy Genius of Play (1hr)

Facilitator: Sukhmani Kohli

Exploring play as a way of being- a life skill just as important as communication and self confidence. The attitude of play is about stepping out of fear to jump into a myriad of possibilities- to try out different points-of-view beyond the dichotomy of right or wrong, pass or fail.

Applied Spirituality Part 3 (1hr)

Education is self education – ecology, sustainability and social integration start within ourselves

Facilitator: Frederic Labrathe


15:30 CET

9:30 am EST

20:00 IST

Re-Imagining Education:
Incorporating the Principles of the Feminine (1.5hrs)

Panelists: Dena Merriam, Marianne Marstrand, Charles Eisenstein,

Riddhi Shah, Shephali Patel, Georgia Ntousikou, Crystal Foreman, Skanda Subramanya

(Panel Discussion)

If we infuse education with feminine principles we will find ways of teaching based on first hand experience through such activities as gathering seeds, gardening, preparing and storing the food we have grown. We will absorb knowledge on keeping the body healthy and strong and learn to heal ourselves with the plants and medicines we make from nature. The feminine will invite us to create beauty with our hands and minds, fostering creativity and innovation. We will learn to listen to nature intuitively and know the needs of the land on which we live. We will learn to respect and honor and be grateful for all Earth’s gifts, knowing that all life is sacred, including ourselves, so that during times of global despair we will have the needed inner resources. The feminine creates abundance and connectedness and can help us realize our underlying unity.

17:15 – 20:00 CET

11:15 am – 2:00 pm EST 

21:45 – 0:30 am (March 8th) IST 

Closing Carnival!