myth, poetry &

Welcome to the

August 3, 2022

Re-imagining Education Micro-Conference

Co-hosted with the

Schedule of Events + Recordings


Welcome – 9:30 ET [convert to your timezone]


Dream Café – 10:00 ET [convert to your timezone]

~ Recording ~


Break 11:00 EST


Playground – 11:15 ET [convert to your timezone]


Micro YES! Jam


Improv for Transformation Recording ~


Main Stage – 12:30 ET [convert to your timezone]

Story, Poetry and Myth ~ Recording ~

an emergent conversation with the

School of Mythopoetics

 Break – 14:00 ET


Re-Imagining Cafe – 14:15 ET [convert to your timezone]


Please Note




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Join the Re-imagining Education Whatsapp Group to connect with the community beyond this event.


hosted by ecoversities friends