
Aerin Dunford
Aerin Dunford is the Lead Weaver at ten (The Emergence Network) working to cultivate the ground for experiments and practice around the notion of postactivism and asking poignant questions about the way that human response to the crises we face often reproduce the very conditions that have led to those crises. Since the death and stillbirth of her son in 2018, Aerin has been called to work with grief in new ways; she has been reflecting, writing and convening others to metabolize loss together; learn more about her griefwork on her personal blog, In the Name of Rafa.

Adriele Fonseca
Adriele Fonseca é uma hackativista regenerativa, atuando em projetos pioneiros que gerem mudanças sistêmicas dentro da Acadêmia Tradicional e na sociedade como um todo. Atualmente, em São Carlos - SP, está organizando o FRESA Festival Regenerativo de Sexualidade e Artes 2024, evento gratuito em praça pública, e empreendendo com a Lilith Sexuality Funding, destinando o lucro das vendas no financiamento de projetos ligados a sexualidade. Tais pojetos nascem da dor do nosso feminino, um feminino sistematicamente violentado por aqueles que pregam a morte, o poder e a ganância. Queremos nos curar, queremos viver, queremos amar e ser amadas. Vamos juntas 🌹

Alessandra Pomarico
Alessandra Pomarico is an independent curator, researcher and educator working at the intersection of arts, pedagogy, and community. Co-founder of Free Home University an artistic and pedagogical experiment on sharing knowledge by living in common, the trans-local Ecoversities Alliance, Alessandra’s research currently focuses on ecology of knowledge, care, and relational epistemologies. Recent projects include firefly frequencies radio, M.E.D.U.S.E (Mediterranean Ecofeminist, Decolonial Union for Self-Education) the School of the We, The New Alphabet School #Commoning and #Healing. Editor at artseverywhere, she curated the volume Pedagogies Otherwise (Ecoversities Publications, 2018), co-edited What’s there to learn (Publication Studio Guelph, 2018) and When the Roots Start Moving: Resonating with Zapatismo (Archive Books 2021)

Angel Acosta
For the past decade, Dr. Angel Acosta has bridged leadership, social justice, and mindfulness. Holding a doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University, he has supported educational leaders by facilitating leadership training and designing learning experiences focused on inequality and healing. As a consultant, he integrates leadership development with contemplative and restorative practices. He designed the "Contemplating 400 Years of Inequality" experience and is a member of the 400 Years of Inequality Project. Recently, he’s exploring how technology can advance racial equity and dismantle structural inequality.research models, which she also includes in her way of teaching at the University.

Anne-Kathrin Schwab
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schwab is a researcher at the University of Vechta and is working in various projects for and with GEN and ECOLISE. She wrote her PhD as an ethnography about an ecovillage in Germany. Her main focus is transfomation research and transformative research. Herefore she uses various methods of qualitative research and action research models, which she also includes in her way of teaching at the University.

Amandine Gameiro
An Environmental Eng with MA in Ecological Restoration, Amandine dedicates her work to practical sustainability, regeneration and networked social practices in CLIs. A trained permaculturist and advocate for social change as an activist in the Transition movement, she also co-founded and lived for many years in an ecovillage where coordinated the CESA Education Centre for Practical Sustainability. Last years worked more internationally with the Transition movement and as an MIT tutor (MIT/LTT). Currently she is a PhD action-researcher on networks of social movements (CEI-Iscte, Lisbon), collaborating in various CLI research projects EuroRegen, Ecoprise and Regen4All.

Archana Iemanjá Tomar
Indigenous Trails is a travel impact initiative where we use travel to experience the world through the lens of its people and breakdown barriers.

Barnaby King
Barnaby King is a teacher, performer and scholar of clowning. He is the creator of Clown Spirit, an organization that brings the power and beauty of clowning to thousands of people around the world. His book, Ridicule and Resistance, explores the social impact of clowning in Latin America and he is also founder of Clown Encuentro, an international festival of clowning. Barnaby believes in the potential of clowning to bring lightness, joy and connection to the world at a time when these qualities are more needed than ever.

Beverly Bravo
Beverly Bravo is one of the convenors of HIRAYA Collective for the Blind. She’s an instructor, researcher and disability right advocate focusing on digital accessibility. She teaches programming related subjects to first year and second year college students at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. She's also a post-graduate student taking up master's in information technology and working towards research on accessibility software engineering diagrams. She is currently working at Concentrix Philippines as an accessibility officer. She volunteers as a researcher at User Experience Philippines, one of the largest design communities in the country. As a disabled person herself, she advocates for digital accessibility through doing accessibility consultancy and speaking to different local and international organizations and communities about the impact of accessibility on the digital space. Together with her fellow blind and visually impaired friends, she manages a YouTube channel called Visually impaired's Fashion and Lifestyle (VIFAL), where they produce fun and engaging videos to spread awareness within and beyond the disabled community.

Bianca Najara Câmera
Bianca Najara Câmera – Educadora Popular, Assistente Social, Especialista em Trabalho Social com Famílias, Pós-Graduação em Gestão em Serviço Social e Projetos Sociais, Cursando Pós-Graduação em Pedagogia da Cooperação e Metodologias Colaborativas. Coordenadora Pedagógica, na Uni_Diversidade da Quebrada, Articuladora Educativa na Governança do NUA. Premiada com a LEI DO AMOR de 04/10/2023, criada pelos alunos (as) da Uni. Mobilizadora de políticas públicas, com ações e foco em desenvolvimento humanitário, violência doméstica, adolescente/juventude, Álcool e outras Drogas, educacional, ambiental, cultural e comunitário. Focalizadora no Projeto Marcianos e idealizadora do Projeto Pérolas e uma eterna aprendiz e sonhadora em formas de reimaginar a educação de forma livre e desenrolada, com o COLETIVO UNIKEBRADAS.

Briony Greenhill
Briony is at the forefront of improvisational artistry, fusing elements from folk, soul and jazz genres to create a sound described as “Joni Mitchell meets Gil Scott Heron, with a British accent”

Calum McGeown
Calum McGeown is a researcher-activist currently based at Maynooth University,Ireland.

Camilo Bossio
A social weaver from Colombia sometimes living in Ecuador, on both territories, he participates in Transición, as part of alternative education networks: Ecoversities (Global) and Mushuk Away (Ecuador). He is a chaski (the one who carries the message) for these networks, mainly as a companion (or guide) of groups of youth since 2014 and as a communication manager.

Che’vanni Davids
Che-vanni Beon Davids is a social researcher and learning enthusiast who is dedicated to transforming the way we approach learning and personal growth. He founded the Reimagined Learning Community, a platform that incorporates wisdom from young people, nature, and intuition to help individuals achieve their full potential. Chevanni embraces the power of plant medicine, spends quality time with his son and family, and taps into the limitless well of inspiration from his dreams.

Chuck Peters
Working with educators for the last ten years to develop learning environments in which the leaders and the learners can enhance wholeness and agency. Strong focus on early literacy.

Danilo de Carvalho
Nascido e criado na Vila Nair em São Miguel Paulista, uma das favelas do estado de São Paulo, brinquei muito na rua até tarde, de pés descalços entre ruas de barro, becos e vielas e córregos de rios a céu aberto. Eu nunca soube o que eu queria ser, mas eu sabia que queria ajudar e inspirar outras pessoas. Hoje me formei como ator e trabalho com a Cia d’Os Inventivos e estou como arte-educador da UniDiversidade das Quebradas, onde ministro aulas de teatro e alongamento. Faço parte do Jornadão da UniKebradas e estou me formando em Licenciatura em Arte-Teatro pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho (UNESP), onde estudo e abordo temas relacionados a raça, afro-brasilidades, identidade e cultura afro-indígena e cultura popular periférica.

Dana Pearlman
I'm passionate about guiding transformative change in communities and organizations through collaboration and co-design. As a systems change designer, facilitator, and catalyst, I guide initiatives that empower individuals, teams, and organizations to innovate and thrive.

Deborah Benham
I'm Dr Deborah Benham and I support people and groups to reconnect with, learn from and emulate nature's patterns and principles. For the last 28 years I've been exploring, through various pathways, how humanity can become ecological citizens, live within planetary boundaries and create a thriving future for humanity and the wider living world. Starting out as a marine mammal biologist and wildlife guide, becoming a sustainability trainer and deep nature connection practitioner, then working with the Transition towns movement to support community led climate resilience, and most recently diving into the wonderful world of biomimicry. Throughout this I've provided individuals, community groups, organisations and multi-stakeholder partnerships with the experiences, mindsets and practices to be guided by nature in their designs and actions.

Duncan Crowley
Duncan Crowley is a climate activist for a quarter-century whose work builds bridges between different communities, languages, movements, and peoples, principally focused around degrowth and regenerative pathways through work with ECOLISE on the FLIARA and WAVE projects and previously the UrbanA project. He is an Irish architect exploring community-led ecocities through an action research PhD in Architecture at ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal that involves transdisciplinary work with CE3C Research group in FCUL (Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes / Lisbon University Faculty of Science).

Elena Pardo
Educadora, gestora cultural e impulsora de la educación intra e intercultural en el ámbito urbano y rural en la Región Cusco, Perú. Directora de CEPROSI y ponente en congresos, foros y eventos a nivel regional, nacional e internacional. Impulsora del encuentro internacional de semillas.

Emma J Coddington Brown
Emma (she/they) is an artist-healer-scholar from Aotearoa (currently residing in Turtle Is), dedicated to exploring how stress and love shape our bodies, relationships, and collectives. She began with biophysics and behavioral neuroendocrinology as a researcher and teacher in western educational settings, and now weaves sciences with creative practices and somatic support to provide a regenerative experience for the individual and organizations seeking a liberatory way of being.

Etsuko Gorst
I am a Reiki instructor as well as a Clinical Aromatherapist and massage therapist. My real true passions are Hawaiian Hula dancing and ocean diving. I have been involved with both for over ten years. I have had the opportunity to publicly perform the Hula numerous times in Hawaii, Mexico, and here in Virginia. I have swam and "free dove" with dolphins and whales in Hawaii, Japan, Tahiti.,Bimini. They both have become a very important part of my life.

Eva Marie Wang
wonderer/wander. storyteller. knowledge weaver. Eva is the founder and convenor of HIRAYA Collective for the Blind. HIRAYA Collective aims to create an alternative and accessible creative learning space for the blind and visually impaired community in the Philippines and beyond. HIRAYA seeks to re-imagine learning spaces that embrace curiosity, play, innovation and creative life. HIRAYA offers various multisensory workshops based on 6 themes: LASAP (flavor & aroma), GALAW (movement & rhythm), DAMA (imaging & sensing), DIWA (words & expression), ARUGA (wellness for all) and SAYA (play & innovation).

Eric Allen
Eric and his wife Ying live comfortably off grid in Canada’s Yukon wilderness. They dedicate themselves to things like mushroom picking, rock climbing, AdventureVersity surthrival courses and international dialogue. Naturally averse to employment and empire, they seek to decolonize their minds, reconnect with nature and mystery, and improve the efficacy of their dirtbag aspirations.

Four Arrows
Four Arrows is an internationally respected author of numerous books, chapters and articles on Indigenous worldview applications for restoring balance in the world. AERO selected him as one of 27 visionaries in education and he is a recipient of a Moral Courage Award for his activism from the Martin Springer Institute for Holocaust studies at NAU.

Gabriela Montenegro
Architect of authentic learning: meaningful, self-directed and regenerative. Specialist in Project Management. Designer of Regenerative cultures. Founder of Universidade Vida. Creator of DPV – Design of the Life Project, an open-source social technology to support eco-professional training for and with young people. Mother of twins.

Geci Karuri-Sebina
Geci is a scholar-practitioner based in Johannesburg working in the intersection between people, place and technological change. She is Associate Professor in Digital Governance at the Wits School of Governance where she is coordinating the establishment of the new Tayarisha Centre and hosting the African Civic Tech Innovation Network. She is also a Principal at The School of International Futures (SOIF), an Adjunct Professor at the University of Cape Town’s African Centre for Cities, Associate of South African Cities Network, and a global faculty member with Singularity University on the future of cities and governance.

Graeme Thomson
Silvia and Graeme are filmmakers and artists. Their practice often makes use of cinema to reactivate lost or forgotten archives and histories and to create new modes of collective vision and engagement with contemporary politics. Aside from their film work, for several years they have been developing a research project, ‘common infra/ctions’, forging connections between strategies of unlearning and idiorhythmic play - which includes the Dark Matter Cinema Tarot and the Centre for Language Unlearning, both of which have become nomadic tools. They’ve collaborated with several collectives around the world.

Helen Hughes
Helen Hughes became a teacher in 1958, knowing nothing about teaching and nothing about children. Since then, she has been on a sharp learning curve, peaking today when she realized, in conversation with her 11 year-old granddaughter, that she has no answers - only more questions. She does, however, have a ton of stories. After teaching in the regular classroom for 5 years, she then taught pre-school and kindergarten. That was a shock. Children in preschool are keen learners and magnificently curious. As they go through the system many of them lose their sparkle. It was then that Helen started a school for her daughter, who simply did not thrive in the public school. The private school, Windsor House, was to be just like a kindergarten for more sophisticated learners. Helen and the children, parents and volunteers spent the next 34 years experimenting and learning. Helen retired in 2005, and has been pursuing her interest in a type on collaboration that is absolutely fool-proof!

Isamar Cerón
Isamar Cerón es geógrafa por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, educadora, defensora del conocimiento abierto, creadora de nuevos horizontes de posibilidades y wikipedista desde hace dos años. Ha desarrollado proyectos educativos con infancias y adolescencias en condiciones vulneradas en alianza con organizaciones no gubernamentales de distintas regiones de México y Centroamérica. Ha colaborado como profesora adjunta en clases a nivel superior en la licenciatura de Geografía y actualmente se desempeña

Jaelene Mina
Jaelene Mina is one of the convenors of HIRAYA Collective for the Blind. She's a licensed professional teacher and a certified international professional in accessibility core competency. She worked as an assistive technology trainer at ATRIEV IT Center for the Blind since 2015. She is currently an accessibility officer at Concentrix Philippines. She is a graduate of Bachelor in Elementary Education major in Special Education. Jaelene is a certified audio gamer, a book lover, and a fiction podcast fanatic. Over the course of her work, she has developed experiences in general transcription, closed-captioning, digital accessibility testing, learning materials creation, leadership, teaching and public speaking. Although deprived of eyesight, she uses her ears and fingertips to navigate her laptop and mobile devices, design audio, edit video, write stories, create content, take online courses, and do other interesting things.

Jelena Mazaj
has over 20 years of experience in research, training, and consultancy, with expertise in capacity building and knowledge management for higher education institutions. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Statistics from the University of Palermo, specializing in interorganizational networks for sustainability. She is the Higher Education and Research Coordinator at CESIE, focusing on sustainability and digital learning.

Jero Derkinderen
Jodie Evans is the co-founder of CODEPINK and the after-school writing program 826LA. She has worked for peace and the needs of people and planet for half a century.

Jodie Evans
Jodie Evans is the co-founder of CODEPINK and the after-school writing program 826LA. She has worked for peace and the needs of people and planet for half a century.

John Michael ‘JM’ Lopez
John Michael ‘JM’ Lopez is a convenor of HIRAYA Collective since 2023. He is a Community Officer for Disability at TBPeople Philippines, an NGO advocating for tuberculosis and providing peer support to TB patients and their close contacts. Vice-President and Motivational Counselor of Guide and Advocacy Built with the Aspirations of Yahweh (GABAY), an NGO supporting people living with HIV along with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of other STIs. Passionate about social work, volunteerism, and raising awareness on tri-diseases specifically Tuberculosis and HIV, and disability rights.

Juan José Lugo Bernal
Consultant and designer of regenerative landscapes, facilitator of community and educational processes. My dream is “… to facilitate the deep connection between territories and their inhabitants, allowing the manifestation of the essence of all those who live in a landscape…”

Kaushiek Pranoo
Kaushiek Pranoo is the founder of Unlearning Ashram through which he offers facilitated experiential unlearning journeys that empower human transformation inside out. Over the past decade, he has delved into authentic inner work, leadership, well being, community building and alternative learning pedagogies and has been serving in multiple roles as a facilitator, life coach, mentor, writer and business consultant, having had the privilege to work closely with people from diverse backgrounds across all age groups - from indigenous, rural to urban communities. He summarizes his unlearning journey thus far as, "I can see. I can respond. I can bow down."

Julián Poma "Juli"
Mi experiencia en actividades de empoderamiento juvenil abrió a mis ojos una nueva perspectiva donde la construcción de un futuro mejor parte desde sentar las bases en una generación de jóvenes comprometidxs en causas sociales, ambientales y comunitarias, rescatando su relación con el entorno y consigo mismxs que nos recuerde la interconexión que existe con el todo. “Juli contribuye en el proceso con su pasión en temas ambientales, su sensible discernimiento colectivo, su generosa presencia que invita al cuidado responsable de las relaciones”.

Karina Rodriguez
Muté de arquitecta de infraestructuras para ser “arquitecta de vidas”(como uno de los jóvenes que llegó a los procesos vivenciales que gestamos desde “El Nido, casa abierta”, me llamó. Desde mi renacimiento junto a Nico y Luana; vengo deconstruyendo las capas que impedían a mi esencia SER para expresarme y aprender a través de la gestación de espacios de aprendizaje, la articulación en redes alternativas, el diseño de procesos humanos, la exploración a través del arte, la sabiduría ancestral del cosmos y el acompañamiento en la vida en familia. “Nina aporta al proceso con su visión macro, su poder de bajar del sueño a la acción, su empatía para escuchar y calidez para cuidar”.

Karine Bell
Karine Bell is a mother of two, life partner to Daniel, and founder of and co-dreamer in the Rooted Global Village ( A bi-cultural Black woman, she is also a somatics educator, practitioner, somatic abolitionist, scholar-activist, and clown-in-training. She is currently alive with curiosity around how we can learn to weave ourselves and each other into ecologies of care, countering cultures that create fragmentation, alienation, and hyper-independence; to embrace difference, cultivate embodied capacity for transformation, and engage in radical acts of friendship across division. She is guided by curiosity and wonder as compass points, and research as an act of reverence for life. She is a PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute where she combines continued practice and study in somatics with studies in decolonial depth psychology with a focus on community, liberation, indigenous and eco-psychologies.

Kierstin Rossling
I am a Cascadian bioregional weaver, organizer, artist, herbalist, forest dweller, and student of the land. I’m passionate about creating accessible, relational, and community-oriented learning pathways that explore what it means to live within a culture informed by place. I am also continually exploring tools for navigating and embracing conflict. I work to equip communities with these tools to cultivate healing, both individually and collectively. To consciously heal as a culture is to tend to the heath of the soil, from which the actions and systems we create and embody grow from.

Ken Boyle
Ken Boyle is Sustainable Education Lead at TU Dublin and lectures on ecology and resource management.

Kazu Haga
Kazu Haga is a trainer and practitioner of nonviolence and restorative justice, a core member of Building Belonging, the Ahimsa Collective and the Fierce Vulnerability Network, is a Jam facilitator and author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm. He works with incarcerated people, youth, and activists from around the country. He has over 25 years of experience in nonviolence and social change work. He is a resident of the Canticle Farm community on Lisjan Ohlone land, Oakland, CA, where he lives with his family.

Lauren ‘Proper’ Breland
Lauren Breland is a force. She’s a fierce advocate for human rights, educator and facilitator, engaging motivational speaker, poet, former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer, and believer in the ability of all humans to transform their lives for the better.

Layman Pascal
Layman Pascal is a spiritual teacher, podcast host & philosopher specializing in integrative development, new shamanism, metamodern spirituality and the development of liminal culture.

Lisa Trocchia
Lisa brings almost 45 years experience as an educator to her role as Director of the Master of Science degree program in Sustainable Food Systems at Prescott College. She is passionate about the role of food systems change in leveraging transformative social change, and continues to develop social network design, communication, and education as conscious approaches to activating equity, collaboration, and self-organizing.

Luz Olid Diaz
The adventure of Evolving Education began when Luz Olid Díaz started teaching. The training that she received seemed insufficient to guide the next generations to create a sustainable future and have a fulfilling life. So she decided to design her own learning journey: traveling around the world and learning from the most innovative education centers. Learning to learn.

Luisina Ferrante
Luisina estudió Historia en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Completó su Diplomatura en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías (PENT-FLACSO). Es Magíster en Derechos Humanos y Políticas Sociales en la Universidad Nacional de General San Martín. Su tema de tesis es la educación de jóvenes y adultos en escuelas públicas y populares, ubicadas en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. También es Doctora en Educación y Sociedad en la Universidad de Barcelona, su tema de tesis es sobre Wikipedia y procesos de alfabetización digital docente. Actualmente es la Coordinadora del Programa de Educación y Derechos Humanos de Wikimedia Argentina.

Makarios Andrade
Vivo junto a Nina, Nico y Luana en @ElNidoCasaAbierta desde hace más de 10 años, donde gestamos experiencias de aprendizaje explorando diversos ámbitos del ser. He dejado de ser docente universitario y consultor para ONGs, para aprender con las manos y el corazón como aprendiz del flujo Tejido de Vida en la Tierra y el Cosmos para transitar mis propios procesos y acompañar a otrxs en los caminos de exploración hacia el florecimiento, poniendo la Vida en el centro. “Makarios contribuye en los procesos con la brújula de navegación, su presencia alquimizante y con preguntas que contribuyen a diálogos muy enriquecedores”.

Marcela Scarpellini
Climate Change Lawyer. Sustainability Consultant. Death Doula. In between stories human. Cultural Provocateur. Writer. Speaker.

Manish Jain
Co-founder of the Swaraj University which is India’s first self-designed learning university dedicated to regeneration of local culture, local economy and local ecology. He is also a co-founder of the Learning Societies Network and has pioneered the Learning Societies Unconference in India.

Maria Agraciada
Tupinambá ethnicity woman from Pindorama (Brazil). Founder and director of Instituto Etno. Pollinator of the Ecoversities Alliance and member of the Healer Grandmothers Ecoversity.

Maureen Momo Freehill
Internationally recognized dance professional and catalyst for full-bodied communion with Nature. Having surmounted countless obstacles and gathered many inspiring lessons and potent tools over 40 years as a professional dancer, theater actor/director, outdoor educator, butoh and yoga instructor, somatic movement therapist, and explorer of mystical transmissions including Gene Keys and Human Design; I utilize it all to educate masterful creators like you, playing in these fields.

Mckenna Daut
McKenna Daut is an inclusive educator of over 12 years and a circus performer for 7. She co-founded Spoon Circus, a traveling nonprofit social circus promoting confidence, self-determination, expression, and positive play. The organization has worked in 5 countries and counting.

Megan Daalder
megan may daalder is an embodiment coach, a student of somatic psychology, and a lover of play. they believe that a politicized somatics is a key ingredient to retrieving our power from capitalism.

Michal Osterweil
Michal teaches in the Curriculum in Global Studies at UNC Chapel Hill. She believes that learning how to live into a resilient future requires a pedagogy that considers theory, history, and philosophy as well as more practical, spiritual and embodied knowledges and practices. Michal is a mother and radical homemaker who loves making (collective) life through gardening, cooking & feeding others, making tea blends and medicinal concoctions, and generally de-commodifying life! She’s recently been training in various healing modalities and embodiment practices, seeking to integrate them into her teaching.

Mindahi Bastida
Dr. Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz is the Director of the Original Nations Program at The Fountain and a member of the Mother Earth Delegation. He is an executive member of the Alliance Guardians of Mother Earth and a spokesperson of the Grand Council of the Eagle and the Condor. He also serves as the General Coordinator of the Otomi Regional Council of the High Lerma River Basin, Mexico, that promotes the rights of nature and Mother Earth as well as the rights to self- determination of original nations. He was director of the Original Caretakers Program at the Center for Earth Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

Morongwa Masemula
I am a South African. An educator all my life. I really believe the education system does not serve humanity until and unless it includes indigenous knowledges and their societal needs and issues.

Nandini Gosine-Mayrhoo
Nandini Gosine-Mayrhoo is the creator of nandī, a platform that nurtures the nature leaders of tomorrow, today. She has written the first children's book on The Music of the Plants, a remarkable device that converts the natural electrical impedance between a plant's roots and leaves into musical notes. The device opens up a unique connection between us and the natural world. Her book, Nandi & The Music of the Plants is a Distinguished Honoree of the prestigious Mom's Choice Awards and has received a 2024 Parents' Picks Award for Best Educational Product for Elementary Kids. Nandini creates online lessons and courses sharing the wonder, awe and importantly, the intelligence in the natural world, nurturing our future nature leaders, today.

Nantu Larrea Laurini
Mi nombre es Nantu Larrea Laurini, tengo 18 años y soy de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Desde los 6 años mi pasión es la música, explorando alrededor de 20 instrumentos hasta llegar a la quena. Toda mi vida hice educación alternativa y a los 15 experimenté un año de colegio, di clases de música y gané una beca a Estados Unidos con un proyecto musical. Actualmente estudio producción musical de manera autónoma. La educación libre me permite viajar, aprender mucho y fortalecer mi camino para estudiar en Argentina.

Nicolene du Preez
Dr. Nicolene is a visionary leader and advocate for progressive educational change, adept at navigating the complexities of the evolving educational landscape. With a keen systems thinking approach, she recognizes that the future of education is a dynamic and ever-changing journey, requiring adaptability, resilience, and a proactive stance towards embracing uncertainty.

Neima Paz
Mujer wayuu del clan Jusayuu. Comunicadora social, en la mención de Desarrollo Social. Activista indígena, traductora y editora para los proyectos Wikimedia. Actualmente, coordinadora de logística y enlaces institucionales para Wikimedistas wayuu. Miembro de la Asociación Mujeres Consagradas Wayuu, constructoras de paz . Para la agenda; Mujer, Paz y Seguridad.

Nikolay Oleynikov
artist; punk; antifascist; member of CHTO DELAT; harmonica/percussion/voice of Arkady Kots band; mentor at Chto Delat SCHOOL of ENGAGED ART; present at ROSA’s House of Culture; co-pilot at Free Home University; part of the cohort; contributor and editor for; author of the SEX of the OPPRESSED (FreeMarxistPress/PS-Guelph). Solo and collective exhibitions worldwide.

Olga Paredes Alcoreza
Olga Paredes Alcoreza, arquitecta con estudios en educación superior y administración pedagógica del aula, voluntaria de proyectos colaborativos como Wikimedia y OpenStreetmap. Co-responsable de la implementación del Programa Leamos Wikipedia en 2020, 2021 y actualmente Coordinadora del grupo de voluntarios Wikimedistas de Bolivia.

Pavel Cenkl
Pavel Cenkl is Academic Dean at Prescott College and the Founder of the Regenerative Learning Network. His work focuses on the intersection of transformative learning, community and ecology and building a more regenerative and resilient educational future. Previously Head of Schumacher College (Devon, UK) and Dean of Sterling College (VT, US), Pavel writes and speaks widely about curriculum design and pedagogy, global learning networks, environmental humanities and philosophy and has developed programmes in ecology, humanities, outdoor skills and recreation, regenerative food and farming, and more.

Pooja Prema
Pooja Prema is a first-generation Indian-American multidisciplinary artist, ritualist, writer, facilitator and cultural activist. Throughout her eighteen-year career, her work has centered on visionary eco-feminism, decolonial somatic ritual practice, and bridging the worlds of East & West through the written, spoken and sung word. She is the Founder & Director The Rites of Passage Project, a collaborative multimedia project based on the creation of large-scale “living museums” reclaiming initiations in women’s lives; and of The Ritual Theatre, an experimental site-specific dance-theater company creating original work in the Northeastern United States since 2012. Learn more at and

Rachael Knight
Rachael Knight is a lawyer dedicated to protecting Indigenous Peoples' and rural communities' collective land rights. For over two decades, she has worked with local lawyers to help communities defend their lands from land grabbing and revive ancestral rules for governance and ecosystem stewardship. Currently writing a book, Rachael emphasizes the spiritual dimensions of land stewardship, believing that land is sentient and should be consciously honored, with rituals and practices that foster a deep connection to the natural world.

Rakesh 'Rootsman' Rak
An experienced Permacultre designer teacher, forest garden specialist, yoga teacher, homeopath and reggae DJ. Rakesh has been designing and teaching permaculture to individuals and communities since 2009, and has taught over 500 permaculture, forest gardening, eco village design and related courses. His design portfolio ranges from large scale forest gardens in eco villages through to many urban community food growing gardens, private farms and back gardens as well as designing collaborative businesses, urban water retention systems and even computer software and documentation systems.

Rama Mani
Dr. Rama Mani is a transformative performance artist, and an artisan of integral peace, justice and education, who is passionate about nurturing an inclusive and regenerative future for all life on Earth.

Richard ‘Aki’ Divina
Richard ‘Aki’ Divina took up Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City. Before losing his eyesight and becoming totally blind in June 2021 due to retinal detachment secondary to encephalitis, he had worked as a team lead in the business process outsourcing industry for international companies that support various campaigns like banking, telco, and power and gas services for 11 years. Joining Hiraya Collective for the Blind in November 2023, he started supporting the community’s advocacy that aims to raise awareness about blindness and visual impairment through alternative learning and workshops in the community.

Salo studied advertisement, but he is passionate about illustration, photography, traveling, bioconstruction and climbing. He has been a CM, designer, photographer and co-producer for international projects that care for our planet & its human communities. One of his purposes is to inspire more humans to regenerate life.

Sara El-Sayeh
Sara is an Egyptian mother living in Cairo, Egypt. She has been exploring ways of reimagining and remembrance throughout her life. This exploration has taken different forms ranging from economics to energy work. Sara travels a Sufi path as she experiments in this lab called. Life. She feels most alive mothering, writing, gathering, facilitating in remembrance and weaving magic into the mundane.

Sergio Álvarez
A lo largo de mi vida tuve que vivir varias crisis que me han permitido aprender formando una perspectiva de conciencia en busca de alternativas a los sistemas actuales. Crecí abrazado de la madre naturaleza; amándola dediqué gran parte de mi vida a su cuidado y conservación desde la ciencia y la conciencia. Actualmente, me inspira aprender y crecer junto a las nuevas generaciones desde el enfoque de poner la vida en el centro, reconectando con la naturaleza que vive en nuestro interior para sanar el alma, fuera del sistema. “Sergio aporta con su amor al servicio, incondicionalidad al cuidado colectivo y compartires desde su auténtico corazón ”.

Shai Tubali
Shai Tubali is a philosopher, author, and transformational teacher known for blending Eastern and Western philosophies to make profound ideas accessible to a global audience. He has written 21 books and developed innovative methods for emotional healing and cognitive enhancement. As a research fellow at the University of Leeds, his academic focus explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and the philosophy of religion, as well as the transformative potential of philosophical dialogue.

Shermon Cruz
Shermon Cruz is the UNESCO Chair on Anticipatory Governance and Regenerative Cities at Northwestern University, Philippines, Director of the Center for Engaged Foresight and Founder of the Global South Futures Community.

sierra ying allen
I come from blackberries and fire morels, giant oak trees and granite boulders, Asia, Europe and the Americas. I'm a hybrid, a nepantlerx, a weaver between worlds, a witnesser of Beauty. With friends, I love to play, climb and dance with the great Mysteries, tell stories under the stars and go on wild adventures. I've been weaving the Ecoversities Alliance since 2019, co-organizing the Re-imagining Education Conference since it began, and am currently exploring what's possible with Adventureversity.

Silvia Rocha
I am the happiest grandmother in the world! Grandma of Mathias, 10, and Lírio, 15 months. I have two daughters - Júlia, 35; Louise, 27, and a son Augusto, 28. I am a Brazilian journalist and I write and teach haiku: the brief three-verse poems inspired by Nature, which have Japanese origins. Haiku poems are widely known and written all over the world. I have co-founded Transition Granja Viana, a Brazilian chapter of the sustainability British movement called Transition Towns, which is 14 years old in our community. We have been developing many actions, such as the creation of our local weekly Ecological Free Market; a socio-political movement called “I VOTE WHERE I LIVE”; and our Exchange Free Market: “Exchange what you do not use for something you need.” It will be a pleasure and honor to participate in your event.

Silvia Maglioni
Silvia MAGLIONI is an Italian filmmaker and artist. She works as a duo with Graeme Thomson, with whom she founded the art platform Terminal Beach in 2005. In 2009, they released their first feature film, Facs of Life. Their feature Common Birds premiered at the 2019 Thessaloniki International Film Festival. Their work has been screened and exhibited at venues around the world, including Thessaloniki Film Festival, Centre Pompidou and the Louvre.

Sinéad Sheehan
Sinéad Sheehan is an environmental activist, co-founder of the Climate Justice Universities Union and lecturer in psychology based at the University of Galway, Ireland.

Simona Palumbo
Simona Palumbo is a senior project manager at CESIE, specialising in project management, innovative educational tools, entrepreneurship support, and networking. Her notable projects include coordinating "Ecoprise," which focuses on sustainable social entrepreneurship, and "RestART," aimed at supporting the digital transition of the creative sectors. She has also managed projects like "Performers Go Online," which promoted lifelong learning in the cultural and creative sector.

Simone Johnson
Simone Johnson is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and cultural worker mostly making work about water.

Susan Bosak
A curious human, systems complexity thinker, researcher, and educator. As an author of bestsellers like Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes, she uses the picture book format to explore complex ideas with all ages. She is Founder of the Legacy Project and Co-Steward of Bioregional Earth. She works to #ChangeTheStory through social and ecological regeneration in the Greater Tkaronto Bioregion, Canada.

Suzana Nory
Suzana Nory é cofundadora da UniKebradas, onde semeia processos participativos de centro aberto, pesquisa ludicidade, comunicação compassiva e relações intergeracionais enquanto tece redes de aprendizagem. É mãe de 6 filhos, sexygenária, poetisa, contadora de histórias, mochileira, colorista e risonha (espalha cor e risadas por onde passa) Suzana Nory is a co-founder of UniKebradas, where she sows open-center participatory processes, researches playfulness, compassionate communication and intergenerational relationships while weaving learning networks. She is a mother of 6, sexygenarian, poet, storyteller, backpacker, colorist and laugher (she spreads color and laughter wherever she goes)

Tasia Mattos
Taisa Mattos is the Face-to-Face Programmes Coordinator for Gaia Education, specializing in ecovillages and regenerative education. Over 15 years, she has coordinated and taught Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) programs in Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, and Argentina, and led Gaia Education’s Training of Trainers programs. She managed the ReGEN4ALL project and served as Education & Research Coordinator at GEN International, where she was also involved in leadership and networking. A co-founder of Terra Una Ecovillage in Brazil, Taisa is a lecturer, trainer, and author focused on sustainability, community building, and social innovation.

Teresa Posakony
Teresa Posakony is passionate about creating healthy and resilient communities and organizations. Teresa’s research is at the intersection of neuroscience, anatomy, energy medicine, and somatic (body) intelligence. She loves seeing the change that happens when people discover the intelligence of their bodies and learn how to work with it. Teresa shares simple game changing practices you can use to rebalance your nervous system and get back into learning, life, healthier relationships, and better teamwork.

Tina Costa
Gestora e educadora social, mentora, consultora, podcaster, sócia do REinvento Consultoria, fundadora da ONG Escadas , cofundadora dos projetos Café das Marias e Unikebradas. Social manager and educator, mentor, consultant, podcaster, partner at REinvento Consultancy, founder of the NGO Escadas, co-founder of the Café das Marias and Unikebradas projects.

Vanessa Meng
Ms. Butterfly is my artistic and public name. I grew up between Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan. I graduated from Swarthmore College with a Philosophy and Peace and Conflicts Studies degree in 2020, and am currently attending the California Institute of Integral Studies for a Masters in Applied Psychology. I am part of the Peace and Justice Studies Association and involved with the Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance. Guided by my heart, I am an educator, a healer, a creator and a friend.

Wakanyi Hoffman
Wakanyi Hoffman is an African Indigenous Knowledge Scholar who speaks about Ubuntu philosophy. She works in the intersection of indigenous thinking and modern education system and is currently involved in integrating indigenous values into AI systems to promote an intercultural and ecosystemic knowledge of the natural world and humanity’s place in it.

Born of Ngati Kahugnunu, tribal descent, Whaia is a transcendent vocalist, alchemical performer, First Nations Multi-instrumentalist, Designer, Creative Cultural Producer and visionary Facilitator, making this woman one powerhouse mama. Blending intuitive melodies made of wood, bone, clay and stone she weaves the sonic bridge between worlds. She is an elemental voice of water and an official board member of Oceanic Global, singing for World Oceans day at the UN Headquarters in New York 2023. Moving across the country serving communities through arts, music festivals, venues and events. As a mother of 3 her sights are on the future change makers and leaving something bigger than oneself.

Yeyo Beltrán
Sergio "Yeyo" Beltrán has designed and participated in multiple intercultural group facilitation experiences. He is co-founder of the University of the Earth in Oaxaca and Tools for Good Living, A.C. He currently supports and disseminates popular communication projects and educational alternatives around the world and practices the Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations as an external consultant for companies, institutions and non-profit organizations. He is a member of the Ecoversities Alliance among other global networks.

Adler Yang
Adler has been a volunteer, filmmaker, journalist, entrepreneur, and has experience in various fields throughout his life. Although the position he holds has constantly been changing, he always view himself as a forever learner.

Adrián González
Cantor. I mix melodies and words in service to The Earth.

Albert Salazar
Albert is an ocean storyteller, oceanographer, unresearcher, trickster, inhabitant of many worlds. He lives along the California Peninsula, in Kumeyaay Country, in-between the desert and the sea. He feels profound reverence and sympathy towards fossils and water stones. As of late, he has been listening to the Land, healing with the weather, learning how to be in service with the aliveness all around him, embracing the more-than-human world, exploring his own voice. At times, his night dreams are visited by wandering whales.

Alexander Schieffer
Alexander Schieffer is, simultaneously, a transformative educator, engaged activist, passionate community builder, integral philosopher, and spiritual poet and performer.

Alice Adnet
Nascida e criada nas montanhas do Rio de Janeiro, desde cedo vivencio experiências de aprendizagem com a natureza, as medicinas da floresta e a cultura popular. Sou formada em Educação do Campo, com ênfase em Agroecologia, e tenho formação em design de sustentabilidade pelo Gaia Education e criação colaborativa de projetos pela metodologia Dragon Dreaming. Atualmente, pesquiso Educação Regenerativa, com o sonho de apoiar a formação de jovens para uma ação transformadora. Além disso, articulo o movimento "Florescer da Nova Era", que reúne jovens de várias partes do Brasil, para ouvir o chamado da Terra e fortalecer nosso compromisso com a regeneração.

Ana Margarida Esteves
I am an integrated researcher at the Center for International Studies (CEI_Iscte) of Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.

Andrea Gonzalez Andino
Andre is a Relational artist, Chix'i, Andean, cuir, mountaineer, and climber. In recent years, Andre has worked with global communities related to issues of alternatives to hhiger education and life. Andre also works with the Ecoversities network and Re-imagining Education conference on cultural, social, and educational regeneration. Student of the Escuelita del Amor where the teacher is Ayahuasca, grandmother of the Amazon. Part of the project Following Andean Footsteps, learning with mountains, rocks, and with the pedagogy of Circuits of learning, where the objective is to come back to see ourselves to walk towards our dreams.

Asato Nakamura
I am a doctor for people and the planet. I am freeing up my home to create an alternative educational space called ManaViva. I am also in the process of starting an alliance called waterversities, learning from water. I originally studied Western medicine, but have since been exploring traditional medicine and shamanism from around the world. I am also doing research on planetary health in the water cycle. On a shamanic journey in Latin America now with water 🐋🐋🐋

Apollinaire Oussou Lio
Prince Djaka Whaénu Atawé of the Tolinou indigenous community of Benin, Nigeria and the Diaspora. He is the president of the NGO Grabe-Benin which works for the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of sacred sites. Geographer-Naturalist, expert in jurisprudence of the Earth, he works for the conservation of natural resources based on the knowledge of ancestors and through intergenerational dialogue. With his tree-life program he works for the restoration of sacred forests and reforestation. At the same time, Appolinaire facilitates community dialogues to revive traditional values and intergenerational exchanges on sustainable agriculture, agro-ecology, ecological governance, traditional seeds, etc. With his rich experience, he has developed communication skills and tools based on endogenous and modern knowledge, facilitating the integration of all social strata. At the international level, Appolinaire Oussou Lio is also involved as Vice President of the African Biodiversity Network (ABN) and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Alliance of Guardians of Mother Nature, founded in 2015 at the call of the cacique Raoni.

Barnaby Willett
Barnaby Willett is a contemplative educator, mindfulness teacher, and futurist. He is currently working on artificial intelligence applications with and The Game of Life (, exploring the intersection of technology, wisdom, and holistic values. A Garrison Institute Fellow, Barnaby is developing the contemplative practice of ally work ( as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. He was a pioneer in bringing mindfulness into U.S. public high schools with Peace in Schools and has led research on mindfulness and trauma in youth in partnership with Johns Hopkins University. Since 1994, he has studied diverse contemplative traditions, including Zen, nonduality, and Sufi Islam.

Bhawna Trivedi
Bhawna is a founder of antim yatra and naphsha. Antim yatra means journey at the end of life. The focus is to talk and prepare ourselves to die and understand that we are not dying, only changing the costume. Naphsha (comes from Aramic word) to connect to higher self to understand who you are and works on forgiveness. Bhawna is also a karma healer and akashic record reader, meaning she reads past lives to explore why you are suffering in this lifetime in terms of relationships, health, stuckness and many more aspects of soul journey.

Brooke Lavelle
Brooke Lavelle is the Co-Director of the Courage of Care Coalition, a non profit dedicated to nurturing a growing network of relational facilitators working at the forefront of our racial, economic, climate, and land justice movements.

brontë velez
brontë's work and rest is guided by the cosmology and promise of sabbath for black people and the land. As a black-latine transdisciplinary artist, trickster, educator, jíbare and wakeworker, their eco-social art praxis lives at the intersections of black feminist placemaking, abolitionist theologies, environmental regeneration, death doulaship, and the levity of absurdity. The prayer of their life is to support safe and hilarious passage through climate collapse. They serve as artistic director for bakiné ritual arts collective (fka Lead to Life) and adults program director/educator for Weaving Earth ( They are currently co-conjuring a film with Esperanza Spalding in collaboration with the San Francisco Symphony and practicing pastoral care (in an ecological and ministerial sense) as a co-steward of a land refuge in Kashia Pomo territory in northern California.

Catarina Rosa
Catarina, Master-level biologist specializing in animal vocalizations, behaviour and evolution. Dancer and teacher with more than a decade of experience, in Portugal (her native land) and internationally, moving through different styles and somatic and mindfulness techniques and explorations. Eco.femi.activist, communications manager, translator, animal trainer, curator of festivals and workshops. A hoping bird between sea, mountains, desert, rurality and urbanity, deep lover of Nature and the humans that care for her.

Carlo Brescia
Es director de proyectos e investigador cultural en Perú. Dentro de sus temas de interés está la movilización de saberes de una generación a otra en base a principios ancestrales y tradicionales en diálogo y co-creación con los seres no humanos y la naturaleza.

Clément Moliner-Roy
Clement is committed to expand our vision of education to encompass multiple ways of knowing/being, with the overarching objective of advancing social, environmental, and cognitive justice. Among many projects, he conducted a case study with the Ecoversities Alliance exploring how different higher education projects are adhering to ways of being/knowing that offer alternatives to the "monoculture of the mind" generated by mainstream education.

Deborah Frieze
I’ve designed my life around a single inquiry: How do we create and sustain healthy, resilient, inclusive and creative communities? The initiatives I’ve spent the last few decades creating—Walk Out Walk On, the Boston Impact Initiative and the Old Oak Dojo—are profoundly interdependent. I believe that the future we wish for resides at the meeting place of our beliefs about change, the flow of resources and the spaces in which we create new possibilities.

Dan Rudolph
Daniel Rudolph is interested in the intersections between play, mindfulness and systems change. He is the founder of Unified Playfulness.

David Caballero
I'm David, a scientist turned social entrepreneur, turned education researcher and designer of learning experiences. I'm focused on democratizing the practices from the most progressive learning centers to empower children and youth to create a world with values. At Evolving Education we envision a world where schools are not a mirror of how society is, but how it could be

Don Hall
Don Hall has had the good fortune to serve the Transition Towns Movement in a variety of capacities over the past 16 years, including as Executive Director of Transition US and Training Coordinator for the international Transition Network. Don holds a Master’s in Environmental Leadership from Naropa University, a certification in Permaculture Design from the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, and currently lives in Boulder, Colorado.

Edgard Gouveia Júnior
Edgard Gouveia Júnior is an architect, urbanist, and researcher in cooperative games. His career focuses on mobilizing people of all ages through research-driven games and collective actions that inspire small community revolutions. As president of Epic Journey, he promotes regenerative communities within companies, schools, and NGOs. He co-founded LiveLab, where research and action empower youth to lead regeneration in their own communities through projects like Jornada X and Primavera X. An Ashoka, Berkana Exchange, and TRIP Transformers Fellow, he also teaches cooperative games pedagogy globally and is a co-founder of research-based initiatives such as Elos Institute and the Oasis Game.

Eliza Bernal de Oliveira
I have been an elementary school teacher, counsellor, art therapist, Storyteller, mother of two and grandmother of many. i work as a volunteer in an NGO in Spain giving lectures and classes around about how to improve an integral education, between school and home. I am also supporting groups of women in distress or abuse with small children in our Casa Pepe Bravo, Spain. Children are always a blessing and grandchiildren are a most beautiful opportunity to live your loving and creative inner child, free of main responsability and hopefully wiser than ever...Just pure loving joy. have have also been supporting groups of elders in São Paulo for more than fifteen years...and social agents groups in Spain.Thank you for your important approach to Life and for the opportunity to be among you all,listening and learning.

Emilio Fantin
Emilio Fantin is particularly engaged with pedagogy as a form of research. He pays a great deal of attention to dialogue, expressed as the art of conversation, and to the concept of the invisible community—whereby the poetic and evocative aspects of social life become a form of everyday practice. In addition to numerous seminars and workshops in international art institutions and museums, Fantin conducted workshops on art and architecture in public spaces at the Milan Polytechnic from 2005–2015. He is one of the members of the Ecoversities audiovisual circle.

Eileen Walz
Eileen sparks learning by designing experiences and asking what we can learn from them. She is constantly inviting others into her learning journey.

Ethan Hughes
I began my journey in The Gift 1999 when I gave away a $150,000 inheritance and all my possessions except my bicycle. I wanted to try to experience what the Tao Te Ching says, “If you want to be given everything, give everything up.” This experiment produced so much fruit I continued with another, The Haul of Justice: biking and serving across 24 states and 8 countries. We dressed as Karmic Yoga “Superheroes” with capes and names like Dr. Dharma, Compashman, Love Ninja, and The Golden Rule. This led to founding an electricity-free, land-based, gift economy experiment in collective liberation, The Possibility Alliance. Over 15,000 people have visited over 17 years. To link all this beautiful work nationally, we helped launch The Fierce Vulnerability Network, a grassroots, volunteer reparations and heart-based climate change action team, composed of dozens of organizations. Internationally we helped launch the Internal Family Systems Liberation Collective, working at the edge of trauma healing and social change - all in the gift. Onward we go! What experiments will emerge next?

Gabriel Portugal
Gabriel Portugal é jovem agente da mudança, Designer em Sustentabilidade e Regeneração pelo Ciclo Gaia Viva 2024, é Membro da equipe do Collab Jovem, empreendedor, membro da equipe e facilitador do programa MAEH (Matriz de Autopesquisa e Envolvimento Humano) voluntário do Programa Permanente Ecobairro, agente da Transição. Acredita na potência individual e coletiva de cada ser humano, na educação livre e significativa, na potência da juventude em tempo de eventos climáticos.

Gerson Paredes Coz (Wanka Inti)
Wanka Inti (Gerson Paredes) is the son of ancestral healers from the Wanka nation, department of Junín-Peru. He is a Member of the Great Council of the Eagle and the Condor, led by the Otomí Tolteka leader Mindahi Bastida. He is Member of the Inka Council of the Musuq Tawantinsuyu,led by the Inka Tito Q'osñipa. Is Leader of the original peoples of Tawantinsuyu-Peru and Member of the sacred Circle of wise grandmothers and Grandfathers of Mother Earth. He is Organizer of the Inti Raymi, ceremonies of Father Sun and of solar and lunar ceremonies. He is an ancestral dream healer. He is hypnotherapist, member of the Peruvian Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis APHCE.

Gisele Paulino
Gi Paulino is the co-founder of UniKebradas, Projeto Marcianos and Jornadão. Traveler, loves adventure. Her super power is to unite different worlds. She's always creating learning journeys between communities and spaces so that young people can dream again. She lives in Sitio Alegria do Sol where she learns from the land, the plants, the animals and the forest. Her greatest happiness is being able to welcome young people to be in nature.

Helene Lindmark
Helene Lindmark lineage holder Noaidi from northern Sweden Sápmi. She is a mentor, wisdom keeper, bridge builder, and global representative of her tradition and community. Born and raised in Liikavaara, Sweden, she carries the Shamanic tradition of her Sapmi, Sweden, Russia, and Finland heritage. She brings the voice of Mother Earth, the voice of the indigenous knowledge out in the world. Cocreating the bridge in between ancestral wisdom and science, modern society. Bring the voice of indigenous knowledge to corporate and government forums, sharing the wisdom of the land through dialogue, ceremonies, rituals, and prayers. She works with helping people through the insights these traditions bring to develop their contact with and understanding of nature, others, and ultimately, themselves and their own human nature.

Indy Rishi Singh
Indy Rishi Singh is a community educator sharing Neuroplasticity & Resilience advocate and regenerative civic engagement. His podcast, Political Hope, reaches thousands of listeners every week. Indy is a cultural creative and chief pollinator with Cosmic Labyrinth, a collective of burned out professionals turned edutainers producing biocultural ecorestoration festivals while building a coalition promoting regenerative economics. Indy recently joined the California Doughnut Economic Coalition, focusing on policy change and grassroots cooperation to create an economy that cares for both people and nature. He is also a board member with Cultivating Self, a nonprofit transforming and reimagining healthcare by focusing on the education, empowerment and evolution of healthcare professionals. Indy regularly shares Neuroplasticity and resilience techniques with corporations and organizations around the world.

inabel Uytiepo
inabel Uytiepo, CBMA, CCHT, CMT (they/isuna) is a transdisciplinary healing arts practitioner wesearching with their contemporary and maternal lineages of manual therapies for digestive and reproductive systems via neuromuscular, visceral, embodied ancestral wayfinding and quantum consciousness modalities.

Jawdat Kassab
Born and raised in Nazareth, 29 years of age, with an optimistic take on life. Jawdat had acquired his LLB and LLM, and now works as a lawyer. In addition, Jawdat is an Arava Institute Alumni for Environmental and Political Studies. Jawdat holds a growing passion for building communities and cultures. He is the Co-founder of the FALLAHI project that harnessed skills of participatory leadership, dialogue, storytelling, and NVC for the purpose of creating a safe space for collective healing.

Jeremy Lent
Jeremy R. Lent is a writer and the founder and president of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering a worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on the earth.

Jesed Mateo
Artista visual, educadora e investigadora, me dedico al diseño, coordinación y aplicación de procesos pedagógicos en colaboración con museos, instituciones culturales, colectivos y comunidades, siempre desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar y participativa. Soy cofundadora de Error Pedagogía, un proyecto de investigación pedagógica interdisciplinario. Desde hace tres años, formo parte del equipo de comunicación digital de WikiAcción Perú, donde he trabajado en proyectos de registro sonoro enfocados en preservar la memoria del lenguaje oral y cultural del quechua y sus variantes.

Joe Brewer
Co-founder of the Design School for Regenerating Earth and Founder of Earth Regenerators. Joe is a transdisciplinary thinker and change strategist who works to create the conditions for bioregional regeneration where he lives in Barichara, Colombia and through the planetary network of bioregions that learn from each other at continental and global scales.

John Wolfstone
John Wolfstone is an Initiatory Witch and Transmedia Activist, who founded Re/Culture Media/Education in 2015, and is currently releasing his first feature documentary film, The Village of Lovers. When not in education and media, he is facilitating rituals to regulate the collective nervous system.

John Barry
John Barry is a father, a political activist, trades unionist, recovering politician and Professor of Green Political Economy in the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at Queens University Belfast.

Julia Jackson
Julia Jackson is a co-director at For The Wild where she works to create and curate slow media content and to honor a deep curiosity about philosophy, ecology, and human/ more than human connection. Julia is also a first year in the masters of divinity program at Harvard Divinity School where she is spending her time developing a practice of death work and hospice care that honors the intersections of grief, ecology, and spirituality.

Karima Kadaoui
JKarima Kadaoui is a Tamkeen facilitator and lived experience researcher, growing a shared understanding of societal metamorphosis and emerging governance from lived experience. She co-founded Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development in 2009 and with the Moroccan education eco-system co-facilitates its self-facilitated transformation process manifesting in emerging Community Based Learning & Understanding Ecosystems (CBLUEs). She witnesses and experiences how trusting our humanity and love suffuse into being the conditions for the emergence of a humanising education system. Karima is a full member of the Club of Rome and serves as advisor in the board of Africa Voices Dialogue, reflecting and amplifying the beauty of the voices of teachers and learners in Africa.

Kate Rudd
Kate is a researcher working at the intersection of new economic thinking and inner-outer systems transformation. For the past year, she has been facilitating the collaborative design and development of a learning programme for a globally-distributed network of grassroots learning centres linked to the Conscious Food Systems Alliance and Prescott College. The 'Local Leadership for Regenerative Food Systems programme' aims to cultivate the inner capacities of learners and practitioners to weave regenerative and conscious food systems in their own bioregions. She is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of York and Invited Faculty of Nova Health Institute.

Kim Haxton
Her deep understanding of the need for genuine restoration has far-reaching implications as leaders seek vision and all people seek direction to address the mounting pressure of a system incongruous with the values of the natural world. Kim has developed and facilitated programs in land-based education, ceremonies and leadership for the past 30 years, including as co-founder of Indigeneyez

Keala Young
Specialties: whole systems design, facilitation, logistics, project-based learning consulting, mentoring, team building,

Kū Kahakalau
Dr. Kū Kahakalau is an award-winning Native Hawaiian educator, researcher, cultural practitioner, grassroots activist, visionary, community leader, traditional songwriter, and expert in Hawaiian language and culture. Dr. Kahakalau and her daughter ʻIʻini lead Kū-A-Kanaka, a native Hawaiian social enterprise, specializing in culture-based consulting and online education, targeting Hawaiians ages 15-30 enrolled in EA Ecoversity, a culture-based higher education and career training program founded by Dr. Kahakalau in 2020. EA stands Education with Aloha, since Dr. Kahakalauʻs research confirms that love, compassion, respect and kindness are the most important ingredients in 21st century education, just like they were in ancient times.

Lauren Hage
Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, an educational nonprofit that encourages the study and practice of Earth Intimacy, Embodiment, Eco-social Co-Liberation, and Prayerful Action as key approaches for addressing the social and ecological crises of our times. She is also a certified facilitator of the somatics-based body of work called The Resilience Toolkit. Lauren comes from Ashkenazi Jewish (Odessa), Sicilian, and Scottish ancestry. As an educator, consultant, ecological designer, and creative, Lauren has dedicated 20+ years to supporting people to shape their actions and pursue their passions from a foundation rooted in interrelationship. Her work and play are an expression of her prayer for eco-social co-liberation.

Lesego Monyai
Lesego Monyai is a serial entrepreneur, company and brand strategist, philanthropist and practitioner of African indigenous spirituality. He runs an IT and graphic design company, Kasi Design Hub; and is a co-founder of the SADC Sacred Sites Association, which coordinates private ceremonies and develops a Sacred Sites and indigenous tours directory in the SADC region.

Liel Maghen
I am a dedicated peacebuilding professional and environmental advocate with a rich background in leadership and international collaboration. With an M.A. in International Development and a B.A. in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, my academic achievements underscore my commitment to these fields. As the former Executive Co-CEO of the Israel Palestine Center for Regional Initiatives (IPCRI), I co-founded the Sinsila Center, which focuses on empowering Palestinian youth and fostering community resilience in East Jerusalem. My role involved developing and facilitating numerous peacebuilding programs, collaborating with esteemed organizations such as Seeds of Peace, Hands of Peace, and the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES). Throughout my career, I have initiated transboundary programs, forged critical partnerships, and received notable recognitions, including the Goldberg Peace Prize for Middle East Peace and the title of 2019 Gather Fellow. Fluent in multiple languages, I am passionate about advancing peace, sustainability, and community empowerment.

Lizandra Barbuto
Occupational Therapist and expert in Neuroscience; Human Development; Integral Sustainability and Sufi psychology, master in Science whose journey has been fueled by a deep passion for our shared humanity. With a diverse background in Gestalt Therapy, Systemic Therapy, and Family Constellation, she has navigated the complexities of mortality through her work in neurological rehabilitation, fostering resilience and connection among diverse individuals. As an international trainer and consultant, Lizandra unleashes collective wisdom by merging personal growth, community building, and environmental sustainability, collaborating with organizations and individuals worldwide. Her quest for knowledge extends beyond her professional realm into her love for nature, mountaineering, photography, and cooking, each serving as a canvas for creativity and resilience. Believing in the transformative power of health, talent, and recognition, she dedicates her life to empowering others to realize their full potential and engage meaningfully with the world.

Maha El-Sheikh
Maha El-Sheikh is the Co-Directors of the Courage of Care Coalition, a non profit dedicated to nurturing a growing network of relational facilitators working at the forefront of our racial, economic, climate, and land justice movements.

María Emilia Chamorro “Mae”
Desde muy pequeña me ha apasionado la naturaleza, así como toda la vida que alberga y la forma en la que logro conectar con ella. Ésto me mueve e inspira a querer preservarla y cuidarla, junto a otrxs jóvenes que anhelan un futuro esperanzador, donde la conexión con todos los seres vivos que habitan esta Tierra sea sagrada.Me siento muy agradecida de las relaciones cercanas que me aportan a seguir conectando profundamente con lo más auténtico de mi ser. “Mae aporta al proceso con su energía apacible, su presencia dinamizadora, su cuestionamiento profundo y curiosidad innatas”.

Marko Pogačnik
Marko Pogačnik (1944) artist from Slovenia has developed a method of Earth healing based upon geomantic knowledge, using cosmograms carved in stone. Last books: Dancing with the Earth Changes, Creating Gaia Culture.

Marlene Fantini
Artist, researcher, wanderer, working with film, thoughts and images, believes in a constant quest for the dismantling of the boundaries restraining our personal and collective existence, freeing encounters, erasing differences between nature and culture, focusing energies to build a more sustainable way for our day-to-day life. She co-conducted the first edition of the AULab (Audiovisual Unconference Lab) as a means to reflect on the power of audio-visuals and on how to be more conscious with the tools that we have or can create, in a collective research on how to unlearn standardised audio-visual processes in a distracted, overly-saturated world and reshape our presence.

Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly is currently on secondment as a National Policy Advisor on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with the Higher Education Authority and is Head of the ATU Galway-Mayo Centre for Sustainability in the Republic of Ireland.

Mariha Proaño
María Alexandra Proaño Psicóloga clínica Master en educación Creadora de métodos terapéuticos que unen la biología-psicología y espiritualidad. Escrito de libros y directora de dandelions ( comunidad de desarrollo espiritual)

Mercia Silva
Mercia Silva Eichmann is a Geographer and Dendrochronologist, Founder of The Chestnut Tree Ecological School in Catalunya, Spain.

Michelle Presend
Academic Coordinator African Regional Hub for TRAJECTS (Transitional Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability) at Energy System Research Group UCT– Part-time, PhD Candidate in Anthropology in Environmental Humanities South at the University of Cape Town, Independent relational and decolonial scholar, facilitator, and writer

Miki Kashtan
Miki Kashtan is the seed founder of the Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) community ( NGL's most radical experiment is prototyping a global maternal gift economy to restore flow. Everything that happens within NGL is based on gifts freely given: of thought, love, conversation, intimacy, tasks, teaching, and money. Miki blogs on The Fearless Heart ( and has published many articles and four books.

Mndawe Khethiwe Bikirah
Mndawe Khethiwe Bikirah is a Indigenouse knowledge system practioner, herbalist , heritage culture and sacred spaces guide, sufi poet /writer.

Monica Rosales
I am Mônica Rosales, 64, mother of three and grandmother of twins four years old. Life at maturity receives a dessert when young children come into our lives. Connecting heart with knowledge brings another state of presence for this time. I am an art and biographical therapist and storyteller. I have been involved with social work with elderly people with a holistic approach, also connecting different generations. I am involved with 18 different community development projects in São Paulo’s periphery and am also part of the Transition Town movement in our town.

Monica Bonilla
Me llamo Mónica, nací en Bogotá, Colombia. Soy wikimedista desde 2015 y he acompañado proyectos con comunidades indígenas, mujeres, comunidades afro y hablantes de lenguas nativas habladas en Colombia. Tengo experiencia de más de doce años en coordinación de proyectos, investigación, apropiación social del conocimiento, alfabetización mediática e informacional. He trabajando como consultora y coordinadora de proyectos en ONG'S de Holanda, EEUU, México, Perú y como investigadora en estudios sociales de la ciencia, la tecnología y la medicina en el sector académico en Colombia.

Nandita Batheja
Nandita Batheja (she/they) is the Cultivator of Community Learning and Partnerships at YES!, working across sectors to advocate for justice, liberation, and creative expression. A facilitator, artist, and community weaver, Nandita is driven by the power of imagination and play for transformative change. They co-founded the Stingray Virtual Artist Residency and have facilitated the U.S. Arts for Social Change Jam since 2016, while also engaging in healing, conflict transformation, and leadership development. Based in San Diego, Nandita’s roots extend to New York, India, Indonesia, and beyond.

My Name is Ndzinga. I am a divine being set out to cultivate more inner consciousness with those whom I interact with. I am an unschooler who has been exploring the concept and idea of alternative learning and re-imagining education for the past 5 years, exploring ways of learning through remembrance. I practice and encourage practices such as Yoga, Chi-gong, Breathwork, Dancing, Meditation & Affirmation as a way of learning. I have a podcast called finding your feet, with the intention to inspire healing in the world and a stronger sense of self, the podcast is close to my heart…As i to am at an age of finding my own feet. I am a Butterfly, a Teacher, a Learner, a Space Holder, a Healer, a World Traveler and a Womban on the path of honouring the divine mother, PatchaMama, Mama Gaia… Let’s grow more consciously together 🦋

Nissa Coit
Nissa Coitis is a creative spirit and bee advocate with a Master’s in Entomology from UC Davis and a B.S. in Biology from UNC Chapel Hill. Specializing in apiculture, she researched honey bee biology, behavior, and management. After recognizing the limitations of focusing solely on honey bees in industrial agriculture, she shifted her focus to the broader lessons of honey bee sociology. Nissa now works as a Learning Network Associate and Ecology Educator at Sterling College. In her free time, she enjoys pottery, sewing, knitting, and candle-making.

Nicole Civita
Nicole is a food systems innovator, educator, ethicist and attorney. Her approach to fostering change in and through food is grounded in systems thinking and ecological knowledge, attentive to relationships of care and reciprocity, and framed by comprehensive law and policy knowledge.

Nripal Adhikary
Nripal is a designer based out of Nepal. He builds with earth and bamboo. He works with farmers and artisans to build a supply chain which is good for planet and the people.

Pia Bakshi
A Charles Wallace India Trust Fellow at University of Edinburgh and a Young India Fellow at Ashoka University, Pia is an author and an art educator. Trained in Modern Art at Oxford University (online certification), Pia has taught and tutored using art appreciation across academic spaces: government schools, IB schools, community centres, universities, colleges, corporate training programmes etc. Pia is also a scriptwriter and an independent researcher for theatre and documentaries. She served on the Board of Advisors for a school on Barefoot College's campus. She is presently a doctoral scholar in English at Ashoka University.

Paul Kronenberg
A leader is someone who uses his/her talents to lead the way in creating a better and more ethical tomorrow, EVERY DAY! Sabriye Tenberken and i founded kanthari. We offer a unique “Journey in five acts” Curriculum; an intense experiential and hand’s on learning experience we provide social change makers with all necessary tools to start, run and sustain own NGO’s. I am a “Social-Changineer”. With a technical background graduating in mechanical engineering, computer science, commercial technology and data-communication system science, i am interested in what ways of learning are most practical and impactful that result in positive change. In my life, i learnt that whenever ‘i have to’ becomes ‘i want to’, that is where the magic begins! Looking forward to an interesting interaction."

Phoebe Tickell
Phoebe Tickell is a scientist, systems thinker, visionary and founder of Moral Imaginations, a pioneering organisation dedicated to reimagining the world through collective imagination. She created the Moral Imagination approach to shift mindsets and drive systemic change. Their curriculum integrates complexity science, regenerative design, and holistic thinking, using embodied cognition techniques and imagination to foster kinship with humans and non-humans across time, and bring alive alternative visions of the future. By embedding connection to nature and future generations into leadership practices, Moral Imaginations is influencing a larger societal paradigm shift to a ‘life-centric society’. Phoebe is also a Scientific Advisor to the Inner Development Goals and an Edmund Hillary Fellow, holding a degree in Biological Natural Sciences from Cambridge University.

Pooven Moodley
Pooven Moodley is an international human rights and environmental lawyer from South Africa, and a social justice activist. He was the Executive Director of Natural Justice, a non-profit law firm supporting indigenous communities across Africa, and has held leadership roles at ActionAid and Oxfam. Pooven co-founded the Earthrise Collective and serves on various boards, including the ICCA Consortium and, working to protect territories of life and indigenous rights globally.

Rehana Tejpar
Rehana Tejpar, M.Ed., is a facilitator, leadership coach, mediator, and movement artist with over 15 years of experience guiding leaders and organizations toward authentic leadership, vision, and collaboration. As founder of Bloom Consulting, she strengthens teams' creative brilliance to move forward inclusively. Rehana practices Transformative Coaching, InterPlay, Mindfulness, Authentic Movement, and more. She lives in Montreal with her family and co-stewards land in Ontario, learning to rewild and heal with nature.

Rozelle Pearl Meyer
Walking open the east & south african route, as a SAN Bushwoman. Too restore the trust, truth and primal knowledge in who I am, who we are and live it. NXISA (come) lets awaken and live the forgotten story and peace it together. Spearheading outdoor schooling 11 years ago in S.A. which has grown successfully with magnificent results today in our country.

Rutendo Ngara
Rutendo Ngara is an African Indigenous Knowledge Systems practitioner and transdisciplinary researcher, who has traversed clinical engineering, healthcare technology management, socio-economic development, mathematics, leadership and fashion design; to the interface between science, culture, cosmology and paradigms of healing. She has a passion for weaving art, science and spirituality towards healing of the Collective and restoration of the Whole.

Sara Estela Pereira Correa
Sara Estela Pereira Correa, Educadora Social, no projeto Uni_Diversidade da Quebrada, Liderança de adolescentes/jovens, no território de União de Vila Nova SP. Focalização e mobilização, em ações com foco em desenvolvimento humanitário, ambiental, poético e cultural. Fundadora do projeto Café de Saturno, que tem como ideal promover a escrita criativa, através de diálogos de vivências entre adolescentes e jovens. Sou integrante do Marcianos, Pérolas e Jornadão da UniKebradas, que dádiva uma educação no mínimo desenrolada que valoriza o amor e o respeito acima de tudo, fui cativada por essa forma de conhecimento, ou melhor de amor.

Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar (born 9 August 1936) is an Indian British activist and speaker. He has been a Jain monk, nuclear disarmament advocate and pacifist. Now living in England, Kumar is founder and Director of Programmes of the Schumacher College international center for ecological studies, and is Editor Emeritus of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. His most notable accomplishment is the completion, together with a companion, E. P. Menon, of a peace walk of over 8,000 miles in June 1962 for two and a half years, from New Delhi to Moscow, Paris, London, and Washington, D.C., the capitals of the world's earliest nuclear-armed countries. He insists that reverence for nature should be at the heart of every political and social debate.

Seila Fernández Arconada
Seila Fernández Arconada is a multidisciplinary artist researcher whose practice explores contemporary ecosocial uncertainties as spaces of conflictive tensions arising from extractive relationships with Nature. Her practice involves international exhibitions, workshops, and research collaborations, focusing on creating spaces for dialogue and collective action around pressing ecosocial concerns.

Shruti Tharayil
Shruti has a penchant for weaving stories at the intersection of biodiversity, caste and food systems. Her world-view is shaped most significantly by her experiences of her journey with a multitude of communities – indigenous, dalit, and pastoral communities across Southern India, which has strengthened her narratives and collaborative work. She founded Forgotten Greens, an initiative that works on reviving the fast disappearing traditions of consuming uncultivated foods. This year she embarked upon a solo cycling yatra across South India, documenting lesser-known food stories. You can contact her

Shubham Srivastav
Shubham is a trained Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) facilitator from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Expressive Arts Facilitator, Community Activist, Kathak Exponent, Theatre Artist and Mother of The MoveVent Project and Zanaan. For her, the idea of healing begins with the simple art of giving. Soulful and a ball of positive energy, Shubham gets you involved in her sessions and helps you discover the power of healing. (You may edit it if needed)

Siddiq Khan
Siddiq grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. He has been exploring the intersections of nature connection, meditation, and psychedelic medicine for the last 15 years. He has spent months on intensive silent retreat, focusing particularly on nature-based practices of embodied contemplation such as pilgrimage and wilderness rites of passage. He has developed relationships with many species of fungi, building bioreactors and countless compost piles to produce inoculum for feeding soil fertility, foraging for wild edible and medicinal mushrooms, fermenting food and drink with wild and cultivated aerobic and anaerobic fungi, and setting up a laboratory for cloning and growing wild and cultivated species for mycoprotien, mycogardening, and mycotherapy. He has grown intimate with the life-cycles of mushrooms, from spores to mycelium to fruit. His investigation of psychedelic fungi has led him to study the ethnomycological traditions of the world, from modern curanderos to precolonial Native Americans, Siberian shamans, ancient Greek Mysteries, all the way back to the ceremonial practices of our paleolithic ancestors.

Sunisa Jamwiset Deiters
Sunisa Jamwiset Deiters is a co-founder of Gaia Ashram ecovillage and learning ceter based on ecovillage design education, deep ecology and permaculture, which provide various learning program to international participants. Sunisa is also a co-founder of Nature'sway Foundation where its mision focus on supporting and providing learning opportunities to local communities and local schools.

Sou mulher de terra, fogo, água e ar, éter e arco-íris nessa terra. Terráquea que veio expressar através da fotografia do instante, a emoção e as diversas sensações em "SER" e "ESTAR" nessa aventura chamada vida. Apaixonada pela natureza, buscando um sentido na vida mais natural, saudável e sustentável. Arquiteta de terra, bioconstrutura e Coordenadora de Comunicação do Instituto Etno. Idealizadora da Efêmera Arte, empresa de fotografia e da Universidade do Audiovisual da Ecoversidade Intercultural Etno. Tutora de oficinas de fotografia, audiovisual e descolonização do olhar. Acredita na expressão única de cada ser humano, como potência divina, fazendo acontecer dos encontros essenciais para o autoconhecimento e expansão.

tayla shanaye
tayla is a biculturally Black living body engaged in somatic decolonial Black feminist scholarship, education, and counseling. Currently, tayla provides somatically-oriented therapeutic coaching for private clients, serves as a lead facilitator and co-director for nature-connection and relational-education center Weaving Earth, facilitates organizational diversity, equity, and access trainings, and teaches special topics in race, political somatic psychology, and liberation practice at the university level. tayla lives in the Anishinaabeg territory of so-called Marquette, MI, with their two young children, spouse, and dogs.

Tshepo Thobejane
Tshepo Thobejane is an industrial engineer with diverse working experience gained from working in manufacturing, management consulting, logistics, supply chain, banking and public healthcare. He is a practitioner of African indigenous spirituality and founder of Menjik Group - an EdTech start-up company that develops interactive apps to teach indigenous African languages to foundation phase learners.

Wangũi wa Kamonji
Wangũi wa Kamonji is a regeneration practitioner researching and translating indigenous Afrikan knowledges into experiential processes, art and honey to provide rooted embodied tools for us to decolonise and reindigenise. Informed by research using academic and indigenous methods; storytelling in written and oral forms; traditional Afrikan dance and movement practice; ancestral connection, processwork, and nervous system relation work, Wangũi tends the organism fromtheroots, an unlearning ecoversity supporting individuals' and communities' transitions from coloniality to the pluriverse through transformational training, coaching and practice accompaniment.

Vera Franco
Vera Franco is a Midwife of Evolution. She takes people through authentic adulthood initiations, where they can upgrade their thoughtware and their capacity to have more agency, empowerment, clarity and possibility in their lives.

Will Scott
Will is a nature-based educator and guide, a co-founder and program director at the Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, and life-long apprentice to the natural world. For decades, his work has been guided by the question, “How do we educate for these times?” This inquiry led him to study and work at the entangled intersections of collapse, where he supports people to unlearn (and learn from) the toxicity of traumatic legacies, while simultaneously remembering the inherent wholeness that comes through re-enchantment, reconnection, and repair. Will is committed to laughter, joy, embodiment, play, love, and the mystery of interrelationship as critical ingredients to our collective response.

Zak Stein
Dr. Zachary Stein was trained at the interface of philosophy, psychology, and education and now works in fields related to the mitigation of global catastrophic risk. A widely sought-after and award-winning speaker, Zak is a leading authority on the future of education and contemporary issues in human development. Some of his speaking invitations can be found on this website. Dr. Stein is the author of several books, including Education in a Time Between Worlds.